Category Archives: Parents

Speech and language support

If you have any issues regarding your child’s speech please text or call the number on the poster above.


Please find attached a useful video on promoting your child’s language development and extending vocabulary.


P5/6 & P6A Summer Trip




P5/6B and P6A summer trip to  Glasgow

travelling by train on Thursday 24th May.


            Leaving school at 8.45 am sharp to walk to train station.

                                         (Pupils should arrive in school for 8.40 please )

They will  board a city sightseeing tour bus and take in the sights of Glasgow!

Return to school for 3.15pm.


Packed lunches, school uniform (casual bottoms) suitable jacket.

Cost of trip – £10.00 – this has been added to ParentPay.


If you are available to help on the day please complete the form below.

(only those who are available to help should fill in details)




Wedding Photos

In the ECC, as part of the royal wedding celebrations we will be looking at weddings throughout the generations. We are looking for some wedding pictures of parents, grand parents or even great grandparents so we can compare at all the different styles and inspire the children to design their own and stimulate conversation.

Please label the pictures with the child’s name and the year of the wedding and who is in the picture.

Thank you for your cooperation.


★ ECC Star of the Week ★

We continued last weeks Star of the Week of zipping up jackets as a lot of children have been trying very hard. Well done to this weeks winners! 😀

ECC Summer Trip – Afternoon Session

The children from the AFTERNOON  SESSION

will attend their summer trip

on Monday 4th June 2018.

There will be NO SESSION for morning  children on this day.


They are visiting Culzean Castle & Country Park.

Taking part in a ranger led activity.

This is a full day trip – leaving at 9.00am and returning at approx 3.00pm.


Trip will be subsidised from nursery funds this year and will cost £4.

Please give money to child’s key worker or Mrs Johnston  in sealed envelope with name clearly marked.

Packed lunches should be taken in disposable carrier bag labelled with  child’s name.


Nursery sweatshirts on the day please – ECC have spares if required. Suitable footwear and waterproof jacket / sun cream and hat – depending on weather!

If you are able to help on the day, please complete form below and Mrs Johnston will speak to you if you are required.

Thanks .


ECC AM Group Summer Trip

The children from the MORNING SESSION

will attend their summer trip

on Friday 1st June 2018.

There will be NO SESSION for afternoon children on this day.


They are visiting Culzean Castle & Country Park.

Taking part in a ranger led activity.

This is a full day trip – leaving at 9.00am and returning at approx 3.00pm.


Trip will be subsidised from nursery funds this year and will cost £4.

Please give money to child’s key worker or Mrs Johnston  in sealed envelope with name clearly marked.

Packed lunches should be taken in disposable carrier bag labelled with  child’s name.


Nursery sweatshirts on the day please – ECC have spares if required. Suitable footwear and waterproof jacket / sun cream and hat – depending on weather!

If you are able to help on the day, please complete form below and Mrs Johnston will speak to you if you are required.



Our Nursery Rhyme of the week….

5 little ducks Makaton

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is 5 little ducks went swimming one day and if you click on the link above you will be able to view the Makaton signs to go along with the rhyme. Please point out the rhyming words to your child.

Singing rhymes with your child can impact their education as this aids their ability to hear sounds within words and identify other rhyming words. I will be gathering data on the children’s knowledge before it has been focused on and after and will share it’s impact on the blog in the near future.

New P1 Parents Meetings

Meetings for the parents of children starting

Gargieston Primary in August

are invited to attend an information meeting

as part of our induction programme.


Please indicate below which meeting you would like to attend.




★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the weeks for zipping up their own jackets at home time, Well done guys! 😀

ECC & School Photos !

The photographer will be coming into the ECC


**Wednesday 2 May**

It will be CLASS GROUPS this time.


He will be visiting the school pupils


**Thursday 3 May**


Individual photos will be taken in September.