Category Archives: Parents

Competition time with SALT

The Speech and Language East Ayrshire Facebook page are holding a competition with some fab prizes up for grabs. Please see the poster above on how to enter. Best of luck everyone.

Sports Day Programme Cover Competition !

Sports Day Programme Cover Competition !

Your task is to design a cover for the sports day programme.

The Sports Council will decide on the best entry for the P1-3 programme and the 4-7 programme.

The winning entries will be printed on the official programmes.

Entries should be drawn on A5 paper.

Designs  should be sports day related – cups, podium, medals, races, sports , house colours etc.

Each entry should include a heading – either :

Gargieston Primary School Sports P1-3.


Gargieston Primary School Sports P4-7.

Entries should be in colour.

Entries should be handed to class teacher first thing in the morning of Wed 6th June at the latest for judging.

Yours sincerely

Sports Council.


P5A Titanic Assembly

Image result for titanic

*P5A would like to invite parents to journey back to 1912 and enjoy our Titanic Assembly*

*Monday 4th June – School Assembly Hall*

*Please arrive for 2:35pm to be seated as we aim to start our performance at 2:45pm*

*P5A children will receive a slip for parents to fill in – please return this to Mrs Kerr indicating the number of seats you require*

We can’t wait to share our learning with you!


Parent Questionnaire May 2018

If you haven’t already completed this, we would really appreciate your feedback and opinions about our school and in particular, our Improvement Plan for next session. Please take some time to complete this, it will only take you 3 or 4 minutes, as the opinions of our parent body are vital to us. Just click on the link below:

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week winners for having super listening ears at welcome time 😀 !

Holiday Weekend – 25th & 28th May 2018

Bank Holiday Weekend Reminder !

Friday 25th May / Monday 28th May.

ECC – communication difficulties….

Please click on the link below for some information on sense. They can assist if your child has communication or language difficulties or any ASN requirement. They offer free play sessions to extend and encourage your child’s communication or language development or day trips to various places.

Click to access sense-scotland-early-years-leaflet-web.pdf


Base 1 Summer Trip – Culzean Castle

Base 1 Summer Trip

** Thursday 21st June **

Culzean Castle & Country Park

School sweatshirt and casual clothing , suitable outdoor shoes and light waterproof jacket/ sun cream & hat- depending on forecast.


Packed lunches can be ordered ( if required ) cheese, ham or tuna sandwich and water / apple via a slip in pupils bags this week or parents can provide their own lunch.  Last day for orders to kitchen is Wed 13 June.

** Trip has been added to ParentPay **

Thank you

Base 2 Summer Trip

Base 2 Summer Trip

** Tuesday 19th June **

Animal Encounter at Calderglen Country Park, East Kilbride.

School sweatshirt and casual clothing , suitable outdoor shoes and waterproof jacket/ sun cream & hat- depending on forecast.


Packed lunches can be ordered ( if required ) cheese, ham or tuna sandwich and water / apple via a slip in pupils bags this week or parents can provide their own lunch.  Last day for orders to kitchen is Wed 13 June.

** Trip has been added to ParentPay **

Thank you




Base 3 Summer Trip

** Base 3 Summer Trip *

Monday 18th June

Rainforest Adventure  followed by Calderglen Country Park

(East Kilbride)

Children will visit the zoo at the park.

Packed lunches.

School sweatshirt and casual clothing.

Suitable footwear for the park and waterproof jacket / sun cream / hat depending on weather forecast.

Trip has been added to ParentPay.