Category Archives: Parents

Children in Need ECC

We will be celebrating Children in Need in the ECC on Friday the 16th of November. Please could children come dressed in something Pudsey or spotty this day. If you could make a donation on the day this would be greatly appreciated.

We will be selling Pudsey ears and wrist bands in the ECC from Wednesday 13th November. 🙂

★ ECC Star of the Week ★

Well done to all of last weeks Star of the Week Winners for always using their quiet voices in nursery.  😀


Thank you to everyone who attended Bookbug on Tuesday. The next session will take place on Thursday 22nd November, please add your name to the list on the communication board if you would like to attend with your child. Younger siblings are also welcome to come along and join the fun.

A.M. session 9am- 9.30am

P.M. session 1pm-1.30pm

Lending Library ECC

We have started up Lending Library on a Monday morning. All children will have the opportunity to go along to the library in their key groups and select a book to take home and enjoy for the week.

The Lending Library is running in the afternoon session too although this will be split between a Monday and a Tuesday.

Monday – Purple, Blue and Yellow groups

Tuesday – Orange, Red and Green groups

P.s if you could bring in a bag for your child to carry their book this would be greatly appreciated.

Base 1 Trip

Base 1 will visit the Museum of Rural Life

in East Kilbride.

P1B & P1/2 A – Friday 2 November.

P1C & P1D  – Monday 5 November.

 Leaving school at 9.15am and returning for 3.15pm.

Waterproof jacket and wellingtons. Packed lunches can be ordered if required.

Slips will be in bags from wed 24th and should be returned by 30th, Please bring packed lunches in disposable bags with names on.

Old casual bottoms and school sweat shirt please. Morning snack will be required.



BookBug ECC

Thanks to all who attended last weeks Bookbug sessions. The next sessions will be held on Tuesday the 6th of November. If you wish to attend please add your name to the list on the communication board in the cloakroom. Siblings Welcome!

 Hope to see you there 🙂

Mrs Cotton.

JO Love Soccer Centre – Girls Only Football

We are considering the possibility of organising a Walking Bus from Gargieston Primary School to Ayrshire College for any of our girls who would be interested in going to participate in football.

We are looking for parent volunteers who could possibly assist on a rotational basis to allow our girls to attend these free sessions.

Nessy Wedding Competition

Many Thanks to Mrs Errici who kindly entered Gargieston Primary School into The Nessy Learning Wedding Competition where we were drawn as winners!

The fabulous prize is a Super School Licence giving 200 children full access to all of the Nessy learning programs.

We are delighted with this prize and can’t wait to start using this fabulous resource.  Thank You Mrs Errici!

Learning Wall ECC

Have a look at our learning wall in the cloakroom to see what we are learning about in each area and what is on the menu for snack.

ECC Halloween Party

The ECC will be having a Halloween Party on Friday (26th). Children can come to nursery in fancy dress and there will be a party snack, party games and prizes to be won!

Can we ask if all costumes and props have your child’s name on them to avoid mix ups/loss of items. Thank you!