Category Archives: Parents

Intergenerational Project (ECC)


Dear ECC Parents / Carers

It has now come the time for us to ask you all for permission for all of our ante pre school children to take part in our care home visits. Care home visits take place twice a week on a Tuesday and Friday throughout the session with children going along to Springhill Care Home in the mornings and Howard House Care Home in the afternoons. An information session for parents will be provided on Friday 18th January at 2.45 and on Friday 25th January at 11 am, all parents/carers are invited to come along to find out what this project is and the benefits of it. If you have any questions or queries regarding these visits or would like to volunteer as a helper please speak to your child’s keyworker or Mrs Hendrie regarding these.

Please give permission below for your child/children to attend these visits below.


Thank you

ECC – Communication Board

Our nursery rhyme of the month for January is Jack and Jill. Please take a little time to sing this with your child and practise the Makaton signs too.  The staff track and record the progress of the nursery rhyme so it is important to practise when you can.

Also included in this blog post are some useful information posters to help promote your child’s communication skills and the top tip for January from the SALT team. These are also displayed on the communication board in the cloakroom of the nursery.

Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech and language development please speak to their key worker, Mrs Cotton (the communication champion) or you can contact the SALT directly on the hot line. You will find their number on our communication board.

Parent Council & GFG Minutes of Meeting November 2018

Please find attached meeting minutes from both Parent Council & GFG.

Parent Council meeting minutes 20th November 2018 (002)

GFG Minutes 081018

GFG minutes 18th November 2018


ECC Christmas Nativity

ECC Christmas Nativity

Performances will start in the hall at 10am and 2.15pm on Friday 14th December

Following the show we will be having an after show party in the ECC with juice and snacks, all parents are welcome to join us.

Could all ante pre school children please wear a Christmas jumper on this day.

Thank you!

ECC Care Home Visits

Above is the new rota for the care home visits. Please can you let your child’s key worker know if you’re available to help out any of these dates.

Thank you!

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for using their listening ears in nursery! 😀

Christmas Cards ECC

Instead of children handing out individual Christmas cards this year, please consider creating one card for the whole ECC which will be displayed on the wall and make a donation to support Cash for Kids.

Thank you 🙂

**Wider Achievement Assembly**

Monday 3rd December 2018

is our last

** Wider Achievement Assembly ** of the year!

Any children with achievements to share should bring in their medals or certificates tomorrow (Friday 30th November).

Thank you to everyone who attended todays bookbug sessions.

The next session will be held on Tuesday 4th December Morning  session 9-930am and afternoon session 1-1.30pm please add your name to the list on the communication board if you would like to attend.

Tea and Coffee will be available for anyone who would like to stay for a chat with other parents/carers.

Attainment Talks

Attainment Talks for Parents

Teaching and learning has totally transformed in recent years and we understand that the Scottish curriculum and how it is delivered in Gargieston PS & ECC can be baffling for parents. 

“Is my child achieving success in their learning?” 

“Are they achieving at the appropriate level?”  

“How is my child assessed?”

“What does Early, First and Second Level actually mean?”

Mrs McKee has organised Attainment Talks in order to answer these questions, inform parents about the Curriculum for Excellence and how this translates into the high quality learning experiences which your children enjoy in our school. 

In order to make these sessions accessible to as many parents as possible, Mrs McKee will offer the same session at 2 different times – Tuesday 20th November at 6pm and Thursday 22nd November at 2.15pm.  The session is appropriate for parents of all children from our ECC through to Primary 7. 

Please indicate below if to intend to attend one of the Attainment Talk Sessions.