ECC Graduation
will take place on
Wednesday 26th June
for all pre school and ante pre school children.
10.45am & 2.15pm.
Doors will open (via the dining hall doors )
at 10.30 am and 2.00pm.
Max 4 per family please.
Our next book bug session will be on Tuesday 7th May.
If you would like to attend this with your child please add your name to the list on the communication board.
Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for being kind friends in nursery 😀
Thank you to everyone who attended our McCoo Showcase.
We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Shirley Husband is offering signed copies of her books.
Each book costs £8 or a pack of all 3 books can be ordered for £20.
Please order using the form below.
Please send the correct money into the school office in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and amount clearly marked on the front of the envelope.
Last orders Friday 22 February 2019.
Harris McCoo
ECC & Primary 1 Showcase of Learning
Our children in the ECC and Primary 1 have been very busy learning about Harris McCoo and his family.
They would like to share their learning with you on Thursday 7th February.
In order to accommodate both our morning and afternoon children, this short showcase of learning will take place at 10.45am and 2.15pm.
Please complete your details below if you wish to attend.
Just a reminder that tomorrow for Burns Day, children can wear tartan to nursery if they wish 🙂
Dear ECC Parents / Carers
It has now come the time for us to ask you all for permission for all of our ante pre school children to take part in our care home visits. Care home visits take place twice a week on a Tuesday and Friday throughout the session with children going along to Springhill Care Home in the mornings and Howard House Care Home in the afternoons. An information session for parents will be provided on Friday 18th January at 2.45 and on Friday 25th January at 11 am, all parents/carers are invited to come along to find out what this project is and the benefits of it. If you have any questions or queries regarding these visits or would like to volunteer as a helper please speak to your child’s keyworker or Mrs Hendrie regarding these.
Please give permission below for your child/children to attend these visits below.
Thank you
ECC Christmas Nativity
Performances will start in the hall at 10am and 2.15pm on Friday 14th December
Following the show we will be having an after show party in the ECC with juice and snacks, all parents are welcome to join us.
Could all ante pre school children please wear a Christmas jumper on this day.
Thank you!