All posts by Ms Mackie

GfG Musical Bingo

A reminder that this Friday – 22nd of February – is musical bingo night.  (adults only)  Dabbers should be ready at 7.30pm and it is BYO snacks and refreshments.  Tickets are £5.00, these can be bought through parent pay.  There will be a raffle, which may top up your refreshments!!  Any raffle donations can be handed into the office.

Come along and join the fun.

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Parking Problems

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We are very disappointed because the school has again been getting phone calls about people parking very badly.

Woodside Avenue, people are still parking on yellow lines and on the zig-zag lines.  This means that the corner is blocked and drivers cannot see properly when they are driving round.

Children also have to walk between parked cars, this is not safe and someone could get hurt, we don’t want this to happen, please stop this!

Also, there are still cars coming into the staff car park, this area is only for staff cars and blue badges.

Do not park here!

Calum Stewart, Sam McCallum, Aaron McCullie and Fraser Allison.


Primary 6 Swimming

Primary 6

Please remember to be at  school for 8.45am.  You will enter through your usual door.

Remember to bring: a towel, underwear, costume, £1 for the locker, warm clothes/hats/gloves etc  and a snack which we will have on our return to school.

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Please Help

Primary 6 Swimming

Primary 6 are going swimming for  6 weeks starting Thursday 10th of January until 21st February.  We are looking for any parents or grandparents who are free to help on these mornings (10th January is covered at the moment).    We will be leaving the school at approximately 8.45am returning about 11.30am.  Please contact the office if you are free any of those Thursday mornings. 

Thank you.

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Homework Club Reminder

Please remember that there is no homework club this week.  It will resume on Tuesday 8th of January.

Have a lovely Christmas.

Homework Club


Tonight’s Bug Club –  11.12.18, will be the last one this term.

It will resume again the first week back in January.

Thank you.


Just a reminder that Gargieston Fundraising Group (GFG) has a facebook page.  A great way of finding information  on upcoming events/meetings/news.  Check it out.

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Christmas Cards

The GFG wish to say a huge thank you to everyone who ordered Christmas Cards.  There were 339 orders resulting in £600 commission.

Thank you again.

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GfG Meeting and Parent Council Meeting.

The next meeting for the Gargieston Fund- raising Group (GFG) is on Sunday 18th November from 7.30 – 9pm in The Park Hotel (oval table at the top of the stairs).  The Parent Council will meet in the school meeting room on Tuesday 20th November from 7-9pm following the attainment talk.  Everyone is welcome along to either meeting, you do not need to be a member.

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