All posts by Ms Mackie

Danger Detectives

Primary 6

Please remember to be in school at 8.45/50am tomorrow.  Wear school uniform.  No snacks to taken, bring them to school and we will have them on return.


Walk To School Week 2019

Monday 20th May – Friday 24th May is walk to school week.

Here is the information for the week:

Monday- walk to school wearing odd socks

Tuesday- walk to school wearing a fun hat

Wednesday- walk to school wearing bright colours

Thursday- walk to school wearing sunglasses

Friday- walk to school wearing snazzy shoes

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This week Orienteering training is on at Belleisle Park, Ayr at 6pm.

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Orienteering Reminder

Orienteering training is on tonight at The Kay Park in Kilmarnock at 6pm.

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Well done to everyone who managed to come along to Fullarton Woods last night.  It was lovely to see you.

It would be great to see a few more faces, particularly in Primary 4 and 5.  Gargieston has traditionally had a very good representation and it would be fantastic to see this continue.

The next evening session is on Thursday 25th April at The Kay Park Kilmarnock.   Starting at 6pm.

It would be really good if  Primary 4 and 5 pupils had a partner they could run with, at the competition they are only allowed to run in pairs not trios.

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P7 Orienteering

I am aware that there is a clash of dates with orienteering and various events.  If the children could attend as many of the sessions as they able, as being in Primary 7 they have 3 years experience of the courses.  Practise is still very important to help them achieve success in the competitions.

Thank you.


Don’t forget that the first evening session is tonight at Fullarton Woods in Troon at 6pm, costing £2 per child.  This is for Primary 4 – 7 children only.

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Orienteering Reminder

Orienteering evening training begins this week.  The first session is at Fullarton  Woods in Troon and starts at 6pm.  The cost is £2 per child.  It is recommended that the children run in pairs.   Please try to attend as many of the sessions as possible, at least 3, as the children need the map skills learned on these evenings to help them in the competition.

I will try to attend some of these events too.


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Orienteering Training Evenings

Primary 4 – 7 Orienteering

These are the dates for the evening trainings for orienteering.  We ask that your child attends at least 3 of them.  It is essential as they need to be able to read a map and follow a course.  An adult is able to accompany them during these session.   Please note that it cost £2 per child, not per pair.

Wednesday 17th April  –  Fullarton Woods, Troon.

Thursday 25th April – Kay Park, Kilmarnock.

Tuesday 30th April – Belleisle Park, Ayr.

Thursday 9th May – Dean Park, Kilmarnock.

Monday 13th May – Beach Park, Irvine.

All events start at 6pm.

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GFG and Parent Council Meetings

The Gargieston Fundraising Group will meet on Sunday night – 3rd March – in the Park Hotel at 7.30pm.

The Parent Council will meet in the school meeting room on Tuesday 5th March at 7pm.

Everyone is welcome at these meetings.