JRSO, Drop Off and Parking

Please do not drop off children on the roundabout under any circumstances!

Parents/carers are still continuing to drop children off in the staff/disabled car park, once again please stop this! 

Image result for jrso


Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition

All of our Burns Recital Class Winners were given the opportunity to compete at the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition yesterday. 

Many of them chose to take part in the event and represent Gargieston, with incredible  success. With over 70 children in the P1-3 category alone, Gargieston had a clean sweep taking Gold, Silver and Bronze – what a remarkable achievement!

                                                      1st place – Isla Clarke                                                                                                        2nd place – Adil Ahmad                                                    3rd place – Pippa Lee

We are so proud of all our team, with particular praise going to the 3 winners. Well done, Team Gargieston!


Excitement is growing as today at lunchtime pupils had the opportunity to ‘browse’ the Book Fair. As always there is a lovely selection of books.
Pupils will visit the Book Fair in classes over the coming week. If you would like your child to buy a book please send money in to school with your child. Prices start from £4.99 and change would be appreciated i.e. pound coins. Alternatively there will also be the opportunity for parents/carers to help their children buy books after school on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th. If your child misses the chance to buy a book during the time slot for their class they can also buy books at lunchtime on Wednesday. For every book sold the school receives commission to buy books for the school and ECC. Please support us in this worthwhile venture.

The ECC & classes will visit the Book Fair as follows:
Friday 6th March – ECC
Monday 9th March – P1A, P3A, P3B, P4A, P4B, P5A, P5B and P6B
Tuesday 10th March – P1B, P1C, P2A, P2B, P2C, P6A, P7A and P7B
Wednesday 11th March – ECC

P6 Hockey

The final session of P6 hockey will be on Wednesday 11th March.

Well done to the boys who attended, Shannon says that they have been an absolute credit to our school!

Currently, a P7 hockey club runs on Thursdays from 3:15-4:15pm. If the boys who currently attend the Wednesday session wish to continue developing their skills, they are more than welcome to join Miss Davidson’s club on Thursdays from now on (shin guards, a mouth guard and outdoor clothing will be required).

Orienteering After-School Club

We have had an amazing response to our after-school club, thank you.  Unfortunately we are no longer able to take any more pupils.  We are looking forward to seeing all children who have already signed up on Tuesday.

This does not mean that children will be unable to participate in the festival, if they wish to take part they can still attend at least 3 evening training sessions in April and May.  Details of which will be released soon.

Thank you again.

Image result for orienteering clipart


Take Away Theatre Company

On Thursday P4-7 very much enjoyed “Takeaway Theatre Company’s “ performance of “Hope”. This play told the story of a successful pop star returning to the town where she grew up for the first time in years. A chance encounter takes place between her and a girl from her old school. Through flashback, we learned about Hope’s painful childhood memories and the systematic abuse and bullying she suffered at the hands of this troubled girl. The performance addressed some complex issues ranging from verbal, physical, emotional and cyber bullying to the impact of a difficult home life which some children experience. The play was performed with humour but was also very thought provoking. Feedback from the children about the play and the follow up interactive workshop was overwhelmingly positive. This initiative, paid for from Christmas Fayre money, fitted well with our Health and Wellbeing School Improvement priority of addressing children’s mental wellbeing.

Developing the Young Workforce

We are very excited for the next three days in school when we will be taking part in workshops linked to Developing the Young Workforce.

A massive thanks in advance to all the parents who are coming in to work with our classes tomorrow.

Keep your eyes peeled on the blog for what we are getting up to.

ECC Easter bonnet

We will be having an Easter bonnet competition in the ECC. We are encouraging children to be creative at home with their families and bring their masterpiece into the ECC on Thursday 2nd April. The Gargie Guides will be selecting a winner from both our AM and PM session. There will be a special prize for the winner. All children who bring in a bonnet on Thursday 2nd April will take part in an Easter bonnet parade around the school.

Have fun!

Happy Easter!

Gargieston easter bonnet fun

Well done to everyone who made an Easter bonnet this week.  We had great fun looking at all your amazing creations – hopefully you can see some of them in the slideshow at the top.

We hope that you all have a lovely break with your families.  Stay safe and we look forward to resuming home learning with you on Monday 20th April 🙂

P1-3 Maths Award