ECC chicks

12 days to go until hatching day in the ECC!!!

Pupil Equity Fund Parent Forum

Thank you to everyone that came along to meet with Mrs McKee yesterday.

The next meeting will be tomorrow for those interested.

**Thursday 14th March – 9.15am**

Please enter your details below if you wish to attend.





Primary 7 to Ayrshire College – STEM

**Science  Event**

Primary 7 will visit Ayrshire College on Wednesday 20th March.

Walking to the venue.

Leaving school early , pupils should arrive at school for 8.45am please.

Suitable outdoor clothing should be worn & waterproof jacket.

Please give permission for your child to attend and if you are able to help on the day.

Bookbug packs ECC

Tomorrow Bookbug bags will be handed out to all of the ante pre school children in the ECC. Please use these at home with your child to promote story telling at home. Parent’s and children are all welcome to attend Bookbug sessions which are regularly run in the ECC, please speak to Mrs Hendrie or Mrs Cotton for more information regarding this.

World Book Day

We enjoyed celebrating World book day in the ECC. Thank you to everyone for making such an effort with costumes and bringing in stories for the children to explore.

SuperStars P4-7

Well done to everyone that achieved the superstar status!


Superstars P1-3

Congratulations to our P1-3 Superstars including Iris (not pictured).

P6A Outing

As part of their John Muir Award , P6A will visit The Mount and Annanhill Park on the following dates :

**The Mount  – Friday 15th March**

**Annanhill Park – Friday 22nd March**

Pupils should wear school uniform to school and bring a pair of trousers and suitable shoes for wearing outdoors in woodland to change at lunch time. Waterproof jacket should be worn.


Please complete the information below to give permission for your child to attend and if you are able to help on the day.


For more information on the John Muir award , please visit their web site.

Thank you.




It’s A Boy!

We are delighted to introduce you to Harris James Kerr who was born on 7th March.

Many congratulations to Mr & Mrs Kerr.

Bug Club

This month we had a higher than usual  number of children not logging on to Bug Club. Homework plays such an important part of reading and hopefully this is just a one-off, unusual month. The homework club runs on Tuesdays after school and Thursday lunchtimes with Mrs Mackie and Mrs McLaughland there to support the children. Even if your child receives paper copies, they should still be logging on to complete the ‘Bug’ challenges to allow staff to monitor their progress.

Many thanks for your support with this and anyone experiencing difficulties with Bug Club can contact Mrs Lawson for assistance.