Changes to lunch choices – Thursday

Red – Steak pie

Green – Roast Turkey

Blue – Tuna Sandwich




We are excited to announce that our annual STEM WEEK will be taking place week beginning 18th February 2019!

This will be a fantastic opportunity to engage our pupils with a variety of activities to convey the importance of (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in their daily lives.

Are you a parent, grand parent, auntie, friend of the school? Do you work or have an interest in any of the STEM areas? Are you an engineer or do you have links to the engineering industry?  If the answer is YES, then we would be delighted to have your help and support during our STEM Week.

For instance, we would be delighted to hear from a range of occupations including:

doctor, nurse, air traffic controller, pilot, mechanic, graphic designer, scientist, IT, accountant, joiner, architect,  etc

Could you please leave your details below including any thoughts on what you could offer our pupils and Mr McDowell will contact you.

Many thanks.


Christmas Party Arrangements

Any pupils going for home lunch this week

will be dismissed from the base doors.

Pupils should return through the main doors at the office

to re register for the afternoon session.

Homework Club Reminder

Please remember that there is no homework club this week.  It will resume on Tuesday 8th of January.

Have a lovely Christmas.

Christmas Party Dates

Monday 17th December – P4 Party

Tuesday 18th December – P5 & P6 Party and P7 Treat Day

Wednesday 19th December – P2 & P3 Party

Thursday 20th December – ECC &  P1 Party

**All parties will take place in the afternoon, during school hours **

Please be advised that your child can go home for lunch on the day of their party to get changed or alternatively they can bring their party clothes into school and get changed.

As we have a large number of early years pupils this year, we would ask that if you are able to take your child home on the day of their party and get them dressed it would be greatly appreciated.

Rev. McNaughtan

As Christmas approaches it has been lovely welcoming our school chaplain, Rev. McNaughtan, into classes .

Rev McNaughtan spoke to children on a variety of topics, from the nativity story in Base 1, to the changes and extra responsibilities of being a Church of Scotland minister at this time of year, to Base 4.

We wish Rev McNaughtan and all his family a lovely Christmas!

Nativity Performances

Thank you so much to everyone who attended the nativity performances this week to support our children.  I think everyone will agree that the children from our ECC and Primaries 1 and 2 were absolutely fantastic in their productions of ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ and ‘A Miracle in Town’.  These young children are our future at Gargieston and what a bright future it is!  We are all incredibly proud of them.

Many thanks to the staff teams who have worked so hard with our children to bring these productions to life within the limitations of our school hall.

And finally, grateful thanks to everyone for their donations to the East Ayrshire Foodbank when they attended the performances.  Once again we have been overwhelmed by your generosity.

getting wee people chatting

I would like to draw your attention to the speech and language facebook page (gettingweepeoplechatting) who are running a competition to win a huge teddy as well as other prizes. All you have to do is watch a short film and comment on the post. Good Luck

Grand Raffle & Hamper Raffle


Raffle tickets will be available to purchase at our nativity performances.

Wednesday  and Thursday evening and both performances of our

Early Childhood Centre  shows.


There will be no charge for tickets this year but we will be collecting donations for the East Ayrshire Foodbank. All donations would be gratefully received.


Homework Club


Tonight’s Bug Club –  11.12.18, will be the last one this term.

It will resume again the first week back in January.

Thank you.