Just a reminder that Gargieston Fundraising Group (GFG) has a facebook page.  A great way of finding information  on upcoming events/meetings/news.  Check it out.

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Easyfundraising for Gargieston PS & ECC

As our email inboxes overflow with Black Friday deals and online Christmas shopping begins to take over our lives, it is the perfect opportunity to remind you about  This is a quick, easy and secure way to raise money for our children through your online purchases at no extra cost to you.

All you need to do is download the app to your phone and register to raise funds for Gargieston PS & ECC.  Then use the app to access your online shopping sites.   Feel free to encourage your family to support us too!

Happy shopping 🙂

Nativity Performances

Primary 1 & 2  will be performing in our nativity, A Miracle in Town.

Due to the large number of P1 pupils this year, P1B ( Mrs Bloomfield ) & P1C ( Mrs Campbell ) will perform on Wednesday 12th December at 6.30pm.

P1D ( Miss McColl ) & P1A ( Mrs Smith ) will perform on Thursday 13th at 6.30pm.

All Primary 2s will participate in both performances.

Look out for letters in bags this week , with ticket details.

Children in our ECC will perform The Sleepy Shepherd on Friday 14th December at 10.00am and 2.15pm.

This year, there will be no charge for tickets for  either of our nativities.

We will be collecting donations at each performance for the East Ayrshire Foodbank in order to support families in our area and provide them with festive food and treats to enjoy at Christmas.

Attainment Talks

Attainment Talks for Parents

Teaching and learning has totally transformed in recent years and we understand that the Scottish curriculum and how it is delivered in Gargieston PS & ECC can be baffling for parents. 

“Is my child achieving success in their learning?” 

“Are they achieving at the appropriate level?”  

“How is my child assessed?”

“What does Early, First and Second Level actually mean?”

Mrs McKee has organised Attainment Talks in order to answer these questions, inform parents about the Curriculum for Excellence and how this translates into the high quality learning experiences which your children enjoy in our school. 

In order to make these sessions accessible to as many parents as possible, Mrs McKee will offer the same session at 2 different times – Tuesday 20th November at 6pm and Thursday 22nd November at 2.15pm.  The session is appropriate for parents of all children from our ECC through to Primary 7. 

Please indicate below if to intend to attend one of the Attainment Talk Sessions.


Our School Improvement Priorities

Through consultation with our children, we have created a child friendly display of our school improvement priorities for this session.

We look forward to seeing our flowers bloom as we continue to work together to grow our school.

You can find the full version of our school improvement plan 2018-19 and the standards and qualities report for session 2017-18 under ‘information’ – ‘improvement priorities’ on the main blog.

Final vision and values question

Developing Our Vision and Values – Part 3

Thank you to everyone who responded to our question last week.  These questions have been influenced by the work of T.J. Sergiovanni (Building Community in Schools).


The final ‘big’ question as part of this consultation process is:

If you could give your child a gift, one that could not be purchased or wrapped, but a gift that could ensure that he or she would develop along the lines of our deepest hopes and aspirations, what would that gift be?

Please take some time this week to consider this question and jot down your ideas in the comments box.  Remember there are no right or wrong answers and your answer may be similar to some of the information you provided to previous questions.

We will collate this information next week, week beginning  19th November. Please give us your responses as soon as possible for them to be included as part of our consultation.

Thank you for taking the time to consider these questions.  Your views are important to us and we look forward to receiving your responses.




Cross Country Awards

Cross Country Team

A team of children from P6 and P7 took part in the East Ayrshire Cross Country Competition in October.  Our boys won 1st and 2nd place in both the P6 and P7 race.  At Monday’s assembly, the whole team were presented with medals by Cherryl Fulton, our Active Schools co-ordinator as we were the winning school across the authority!

Well done to the team for representing Gargieston so well!!


At assembly this week Mrs. McKee and Mrs. McLaughland were delighted that lots of children were Superstars – the biggest number we have had in one week so far. This is fantastic! Keep it up everyone!!

Christmas Cards

The GFG wish to say a huge thank you to everyone who ordered Christmas Cards.  There were 339 orders resulting in £600 commission.

Thank you again.

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GfG Meeting and Parent Council Meeting.

The next meeting for the Gargieston Fund- raising Group (GFG) is on Sunday 18th November from 7.30 – 9pm in The Park Hotel (oval table at the top of the stairs).  The Parent Council will meet in the school meeting room on Tuesday 20th November from 7-9pm following the attainment talk.  Everyone is welcome along to either meeting, you do not need to be a member.

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