ECC Communication Board

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Humpty Dumpty.

You will see the Rhyme and Makaton up on the communication board in the ECC cloakroom and in the links below.

Please sing and try out the signs at home. Singing rhymes with your child regularly increases their knowledge of phonological awareness and aids your child’s ability to read and spell later at School.

Our Communication Champion here at Gargieston  is Miss Clark she will be tracking the children’s knowledge of each nursery rhyme and will share this data with you in the very near future.

If you have any concerns in regards to your child’s speech and language development please speak to a member of staff or contact the Speech and Language Therapy department hotline number this is displayed on our communication board.

Humpty Dumpty Makaton

Humpty Dumpty

Massage in schools


We are delighted to be introducing the Massage In Schools Programme with our pupils.  This programme has proven to be highly successful in reducing anxiety and stress levels and improving confidence and concentration.

Unfortunately, children (and adults!) often associate relaxation with screen time.  We want to encourage our children to develop skills and strategies to ‘switch off’ and relax which they can take with them into adulthood.

Full details will be sent to you in an email today.

We are also working with our colleagues from EAST to adapt the programme and introduce it to our children within the ECC.


P4-7 Superstars

Well done to our first P4-7 Superstars – Finlay, Harry, Chiara, Katy and Lucy!!

School Holidays 2018-19





School photos

The photographer will visit the school next week

to take individual photos.

Primary 1 – 3  : Tuesday 11th September

Primary 4-7 : Wednesday 12th September

ECC & Sibling Groups  : Thursday 13th September



Athletics Arena

Congratulations to all the P7 children who competed so successfully at the Athletics Arena last week!

** P1-3 Super Stars**

Congratulations to our P1-3 Super Stars – Isla, Finn and Rachel!

Sharing Our Learning

Tuesday 11th September at 2.45pm

You are invited into our classroom to meet the teacher, learn about some of our class routines and to see what the children have been learning.

We hope to see you there!

Mrs Skelton

Primary 2/3C

Netball Club – P6 and P7

P6 and P7 Netball After School Club

Fridays from 3.15 – 4.30pm

Starting Friday 7 September.


If your child wishes to take part

please complete the permission form below.


Only pupils with permission will be allowed to stay for the club.





Primary 7

Meet our Primary 7 children. What a busy and exciting year lies ahead for them!