P6 Hockey Club

Miss Davidson’s hockey club will be starting up again on Thursday 4th October for Primary 6 children. There will be eight sessions which will take us up to 29.11.18 excluding 18.10.18 (October holiday).

Please complete the attached form if your child would like to join the club.  We will be training outside whenever possible so long trousers, jumpers and waterproofs jackets are advisable!

We will begin using plastic sticks and balls but will quickly move on to using wooden sticks and harder balls therefore in a few weeks time the children will be required to wear shin guards and a mouth guard. These can be bought inexpensively from sports stores or borrowed from siblings who play football!

Inexpensive shinguards with ankle protection – https://www.sportsdirect.com/SearchResults?DescriptionFilter=ankle%20shinguards

Inexpensive mouthguards – https://www.sportsdirect.com/SearchResults?DescriptionFilter=Kids%20Mouth%20Guards


Primary 7 will be walking to Grange and then into Kilmarnock town centre on Tuesday. They are going to be photographing some of the wonderful architecture in the John Finnie Street area, The Palace Theatre, The Dick Institute – to name just a few places.

However, we currently have no parents to assist and can not go without extra adults, If you enjoy a long walk and are able to help, please click on the title above to reply or contact Mrs Lawson on Monday morning.

Many thanks.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thank you so much to everyone who baked and handed in cakes for our MacMillan Coffee Morning. Special thanks to Elaine Kerr and Pat Wilson for their invaluable help on the day.

A final total is still to be finalised, however, we do know that over £300 has been raised for this amazing charity.

Well done, Primary 7 for all your hard work and making it all happen!

Dean Castle Harvest Festival – Sunday 30th September

Pupils in base 1  have been learning all about FARMS and have been busy making scarecrows which will be on display at the 5th Harvest Festival at Dean Castle and Country Park on Sunday 30th September. There are great prizes to be won and hopefully we have a winner. If you are free on Sunday afternoon why not pop along to join the fun.

Primary 1/2 and their scarecrow

Primary 1B and their scarecrow

Primary 1C and their scarecrow

Primary 1D and their scarecrow

Congratulations !!


We are absolutely delighted to announce that our innovative Intergenerational Project in partnership with Springhill Care Home has been shortlisted for a prestigious Education Scotland Quality Improvement award.

A team from Scottish Government will be filming a session at Springhill Care Home and in our ECC on Friday 5th October at 10am.  This film will be broadcast at the QI Awards Ceremony and will then be shared by the Scottish Government on their website.

We are incredibly proud of the team who have been involved in the project and wish them every success and an enjoyable evening at the awards ceremony on Tuesday 13th November.


★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week winners for helping to tidy up! 😀

Please vote for our girls netball team !

Please vote for our girls netball team

to win a new sports kit via the link below.

Sponsored by Arnold Clark.

Once on the Arnold Clark page, click on the

Team Spirit Competition photos

and look for the Gargieston photo to vote!

Arnold Clark Facebook


The Book Fair has arrived!

Pupils will visit the Book Fair in classes over the coming week. If you would like your child to buy a book please send money in to school with your child. If possible change would be appreciated i.e. pound coins. There will also be the opportunity for parents/carers to buy books after school on Friday 28th and Wednesday 3rd. If your child misses the chance to buy a book during the time slot for their class they can also buy books at lunchtime on Monday or Wednesday. The fair will also be open during the MacMillan coffee morning on Friday. For every book sold the school receives commission to buy books for the school. Please support us if you can in this worthwhile venture.

The timetable for the Book Fair is as follows:

Friday 28th September – P5, P5/6, P6, P6/7, P7 and ECC.

Monday 1st October – P1/2, P1B, P1C and P1D.

Tuesday 2nd October – P2/3, P4A and P4B.

Wednesday 3rd October – P2, P3A, P3B and ECC.

ECC parent/carers can visit the fair with their children on Friday 28th and Wednesday 3rd between 11.30 and 12.00 or between 3.15 and 4.00.

Parents night – time slots

Parents night will be on Wednesday 10th October.

Please enter your details below with a preferred time slot.



The next meeting of the Parent Council is on Monday 1st October 2018 at 7pm – 9pm in the school meeting room.

If you are interested in coming along for the first time to see what it’s all about you will be made very welcome.  It is a friendly group and a great way to learn more about what goes on in our school.

There will also be a meeting of the Gargieston Fundraising Group on Sunday 7th October 7:30pm in the Park Hotel.  New members or volunteers most welcome.

All welcome and if anyone has anything to add to the agenda or would like raised at the meeting they can email – gargiestonparentcouncil@gmail.com.”