Competition time with SALT

The Speech and Language East Ayrshire Facebook page are holding a competition with some fab prizes up for grabs. Please see the poster above on how to enter. Best of luck everyone.

Primary 6 Assembly

Primary 6 Parents

We would love you to come along to our class assembly on Friday 15th June at 9.50 am.  We hope you can make it.

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Gargie’s Greatest Show !

Gargie’s Greatest Show !

Wednesday 13 June 2018.

Show starts at 6.00 – approx. 8.30pm.

2 tickets MAX PER FAMILY to start with – extra tickets may be issued if available.

Please make sure you only purchase 2 tickets per family / not per pupil – you will be issued with a ticket for entry.

We wish to accommodate families of all children taking part in the show and numbers are limited.

Cost – child and adult prices both £2.00.

P7 Transition Event

Thursday 7th & Friday 8th June.

Leaving school at 9 am sharp.

Walking to Grange Academy.

School lunches will be provided free of charge.

 (You can provide your child with a packed lunch if preferred)


PE kit should be brought on both days.


Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.

Football and Zumba

Our recent football and zumba sponsored event raised the fantastic amount of £4867.55.  This amount will go a long way in helping to fund new playground equipment, which will benefit all pupils.  More details of this in due course.

A huge thank you from the GFG and the school.   Your support is very much appreciated.

Thank you.

Image result for football zumba clipart                               Image result for football zumba clipart


Wider Achievement

Thank you so much to everyone who brought in medals, cups, rosettes, certificates and more, to show us what a talented school we have. Learning does not stop at the school gates and it is so important to see the achievements out with the classroom too. Well done, everyone and we will start a new wall in Term 1 next session.



Assembly Awards 1/6/18

This week’s P1-3 Starwriters were Pippa Lee, Lacey Ferguson, Anaya Rana,Amr El Zanati, Alfie Robison and  Christian Hamilton. Maths awards were presented to Sean Hollywood, Aidan Wyllie, Kyan Gallagher, Sophe Paterson, Rhys McClune and Jayden Collins. A gold card was awarded to McKenzie Anderson for super work in listening and talking this session, as demonstrated by hs excellent class solo talk about Rainforests. Our final photo shows not only excellent writing but also super illustrations from Christian Hamlton. Well done to all!!


Participation Groups – Literacy and Library Groups

This week the Library and Literacy Groups joined up to tidy the library and enjoy some paired reading outside in the courtyard in the sunshine.

Parent Council and GFG Meetings

The next meeting of the GFG is taking place on Sunday 3rd June at 19:30 in The Park Hotel. The GFG really needs support from parents in the ECC and school to help continue all the great work they do. Anyone interested in coming along for the first time will be warmly welcomed!

The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Monday 4th June at 19:00 in the school meeting room. Again, it would be great to see new faces. All parents are very welcome to attend.

The GFG and parent council can be contacted via email:

GFG also have a Facebook page. Please like and follow for information on upcoming fundraising activities.

Minutes from the Parent Council and GFG meetings are available on the school blog under the Parents section.”


Scottish Orienteering Championships, Glasgow

Well done to all the P5, 6 and 7 children who represented Gargieston at the Scottish Orienteering Championships in Glasgow yesterday. A great time was had by all and they even managed to avoid all the thunderstorms in the area!

Particular congratulations must go to Sam McCallum of P6 who won the P5/6 boys event – an amazing achievement, Sam! Well done!

Thank you to Mr Smith and Mrs Mackie for their preparation leading up to the event and to Mrs Work for these terrific photographs on the day.