Communication board top tip

04 April give your child a reason to talk 

(Please click on the link above)

Our top tip focuses on providing a variety of opportunities to encourage interaction with your child whether it’s through gesture or speech. This will heavily aid your child’s overall communication tips and can be incorporated into your everyday routine.

Nursery Rhyme of the week is back :)

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Incy Wincy spider. Please try this at home pointing out the rhyming words to your child. Miss Clark is tracking the children’s knowledge of each rhyme before we focus on it in partnership with parents/carers and afterwards and I will share this data with you in the next few weeks.

Drop in Café – Parents Room

Parent Drop-In Cafe

Friday afternoons starting 27 April 2018 @  1.45pm – 3.00pm



Would you like to learn more about:


Behaviour Management

  • Change and Loss
  • Family Literacies/Homework
  • IT
  • Volunteering Options

All Welcome !!








Missing jacket…

We would really appreciate your help in finding a missing jacket for Lewis in P4.

The brand name of the jacket is “Nukutavake”. There is no badge on the front of the jacket, but 2 initials from the brand name sewn into the jacket with the same colour stitching as the colour of the jacket (sapphire / navy blue) to the front left. Its a puffa style jacket with a hood.

It was left on the playground , prior to the school bell ringing at 9.00am last Thursday.

Lewis’ name is on a tag along the bottom inside edge of the lining, making it quite distinctive.

Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.


4, 4, 2 Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Kallum Tang in Primary 4A for being the first person in the school to bring in a completed 4, 4, 2 Reading Challenge card! Kallum has borrowed 4 books from The Dick Institute, receiving 4 stamps on his card and a ticket for free entry to a Kilmarnock FC home game.

Very well done, Kallum! Hopefully lots more boys and girls in the school will follow in your footsteps!

Sponsored Event TOMORROW!!

The GFG have organised a sponsored football or zumba event to take place tomorrow,  Tuesday 24th April. Every child has been given a sponsor sheet and has been encouraged to get sponsorship from family and friends. Pupils can wear suitable sporty clothes on the day. (no football team tops please. Shorts, joggers, T-shirt, leggings, sweatshirt would be appropriate depending on the weather). Please bring water to drink. Please return sponsor forms on the day (to be signed as proof of completion)

All money should be returned to  class teachers before 8 May. We would appreciate cash only please , in sealed envelope with child’s name , class and amount on the envelope. All donations will be used to buy a large item(s) of playground equipment. Thank you very much for your support.

Primary 1 tea-towels.

This is a reminder that the Primary One tea-towels are now available to purchase through parent pay costing £4 each, there is no limit to how many you can buy.  Every child in Primary 1 (including the P1 pupils in the P1/2 class) have drawn a picture of themselves which has been put onto a tea-towel. It is a lovely memento to have and children enjoy looking at them for many years to come, as well as a good way of raising money for the school.

The final day to purchase these is Thursday 26th April, so don’t miss out.  Thank you.


Wider Achievement

Next week we would love to hear all about the children’s achievements out of school. We know we have many successful athletes, swimmers, artists, horse riders to name only a few.

On Wednesday this week, 25th April, we would love the children who have achieved something outwith school in 2018 to bring in their certificates, medals, cups etc. to allow us to photograph them and showcase all the talents they have.

Looking forward to seeing what comes in…!

Mrs Lawson


My Place – Schools Photographic Exhibition

Why not pop along to The Dick Institute and see all the entries by some of our P7 Children to the My Place exhibition? The photographs were taken to enter a national competition, but East Ayrshire is also showcasing the entries from local schools, including Gargieston.

The pictures on display include Laura Mitchell’s prize winning entry – Caprington In The Mist.

The exhibition is free entry and will run until 9th June, so why not have a look and see how many places you recognise from our local area. Here’s a few more to get you started…


★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week winners for being super sitters at home time! 😀