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The great adventurers week 25

This week the great adventurers started their new ABC and beyond book Shaun the Shy Shark by Neil Griffiths.

Michael and Vincent enjoyed playing with the puppets from the story. Especially the sharks.

Mini ABC  started reading There’s a monster in my house. They helped to tell the story by lifting up the flaps and identifying what was in the pictures. There word this week is fierce meaning angry. They sorted animals into fierce and not fierce groups.

In Big noise they were learning the difference between high and low sounds using their voices and musical instruments to identify high and low sounds. They looked at a spring picture and identified things that were high up in the picture making a high sound or low down in the picture making a low sound.

They also started to learn about children’s rights this week identifying needs and wants.

In the garden some children enjoyed exploring numbers practising their number recognition.


Some children enjoyed exploring in the sand pit filling up and emptying out the sand.

Sophie and Oscar enjoyed jumping over the dip in the ground managing to get from one side to the other.

Some children had fun in the garden using loose parts to make a train. They took turns to be the driver and decide where they were going.

The pre-school children received another letter from Yeti Headquarters. They have been asked to help Dot answer all of the questions she has about going to school as she is feeling a bit scared and worried about it. This weeks question from Dot was what do I need to learn before I go to school? The children helped Dot by sorting some pictures into things they need to learn before they go to school and things they don’t. The children learned that they already know all they need to for starting school because all of the other things they will learn when they go to school.


The children had great fun doing an Easter egg hunt in the garden and decorating their eggs with pens and stickers.

The little explorers week 25

Some of the boys and girls enjoyed playing on the bikes and scooters in the great adventurers garden developing their gross motor skills.

Dannika enjoyed some digging and then found a lady bird on a log.

This week Sophie was exploring mark making using crayons.

Some children enjoyed creating pieces of art exploring loose parts and collage materials.

Riley was playing with the trucks finding different ways to move them.

Remi-Leigh enjoyed role play in the home corner.

The great adventurers week 24

Last week the social skill was talking nicely to one another. The children played a memory game in their groups where they had to try and find two cards which were the same. They practised taking turns and saying good job when someone else found a match.

In numeracy some of the children are practising sequencing numbers to 20 and finding missing numbers.

They enjoyed doing some planting on Wednesday morning and afternoon at stay and play.

A number of children have enjoyed playing with the new wooden cart in the garden.

Some children worked together to build a wall. Postman Pat carried the bricks they needed on his van.

In big noise the children enjoyed playing to the beat and singing different rhymes.

Dahlia and Oscar have been practising counting out different quantities.

Sophie and Ivy found different sticks in the garden comparing them by appearance and size. They also used them to practise counting.

Kayla enjoyed painting a picture.

Leila-Rose and Zac were helping to prepare snack.

The children had lots of fun this week playing with boxes.

Some children enjoyed mixing making their own potions.

Jorgie and Jack enjoyed playing football together taking turns to pass the ball to one another.

Some children enjoyed playing on the crash mat in the garden.

The little explorers week 24

Some of the little explorers had fun playing on the crash mat in the great adventurers garden.

They also liked playing with the umbrellas and bikes.

Remi-Leigh enjoyed exploring the animal puzzle tool box.

The children enjoyed doing some planting at stay and play on Wednesday morning and afternoon.

They had fun exploring with the balls and water squirters.

Malcolm liked drawing on the chalk board.

Carsyn enjoyed doing some building with the wooden blocks.

The little explorers week 23

The little explorers enjoyed creating a den together and all going inside to sing some of their favourite nursery rhymes.

Oliver and Lyall experimented with the rope taking one end each, pulling it and following one another. They had to problem solve when it got stuck on parts of the garden.


Riley and Lyall enjoyed doing some digging.

Some children enjoyed taking part in the obstacle course developing their gross motor skills and balancing.

Lots of children enjoyed experimenting with sound using their voice to talk into a large empty metal tin.

Deryn enjoyed serving people food in the café.

Orlah and Riley enjoyed doing some mark making.

Some children enjoyed building with loose parts in the garden.

The children made their own sensory bottles choosing the colour they would like and practising their pouring skills.

They also enjoyed playing in the garden experimenting with water, bubbles, tubes and balls.


They also used soapy water to wash the wellies.

Some children enjoyed experimenting with paint using their hands and mixing two colours together.

They had great fun making their own smoothies.

Others also enjoyed playing in the sand.


The great adventurers week 23

This week the ABC and beyond word was spring. We talked about this being the time when the trees and plants start to grow. The children make their own spring flowers and trees practising their cutting skills on paper plates.

The social goal from last week was helping others. The children worked in their group helping one another to piece together parts of a jigsaw.

In numeracy the children enjoyed participating in number nursery rhymes using puppets to help them count. They practised counting on and counting back and using their knowledge of the number sequence to find missing numbers.

Lara and Leila-Rose were identifying numbers and counting out quantities to match the pictures.

Gracie was sequencing numbers to 20  with support. She then worked on a jigsaw counting out quantities and finding the number which matched the quantity.

Nieve, ford and Aleks were working together to  sequence numbers to 20. One of them took numbers away and closed the gap whilst the other one shut their eyes. They used their knowledge of the number sequence orally to find the missing numbers.

In the garden we got a delivery of some new construction blocks for outside. The children enjoyed creating obstacle course.

Lacey and Oscar were helping Katie to move some slabs in the garden showing great team work.

Some children were practising riding bikes whilst others enjoyed playing on the tractor.

Some children enjoyed playing hide and seek in the garden whilst others enjoyed climbing.

Harleigh was practising throwing towards a target and could identify individual digits.

Radwan has showed persistence and determination practising riding his bike and he can now do this himself without stabilisers. We are so proud of his achievement.

Dalia built a castle and became queen of the castle. Lewis joined her and became the king of the castle.

Jorgie, Jack and Kayla enjoyed exploring the sand with the animals.

Dahlia was sharing a story with her friends Jacob and Eva.

Jack, Jessica, Emilia and Dahlia used paper to create their own cones filling the cones with playdough to make ice creams.

The children got together to share ideas on what they could use the boxes from the delivery to make. They shared their ideas and had a vote. they decided to make a robot. Lots of children had great fun working together to decorate the body of the robot.

The great adventurers week 22

This week the great adventurers were learning about the word lonely meaning you are sad because you are on your own. They had to decide whether different play situations would make them lonely or not lonely. They talked about ways to stop their nursery friends feeling lonely by talking to them if they are on their own or inviting them to play with them.

In numeracy they were practising counting out quantities using different objects.

The social skill for last week was to take turns. The children played dominoes in their groups and has to wait until their turn to play.

The children had lots of fun out in the mud looking for worms.


The children were practising their gross motor skills and enjoyed some time in the school playground having greater opportunities to climb.


Some children enjoyed building models using mobile following instructions.

In the water tray they used the soapy water and sponges to clean the windows.

Jack did some drawing and practised writing his name.

Cole and Carson enjoyed a visit to the great adventurers room exploring the trucks and doing some mark making.


The children also developed their gross motor skills out in the garden on the bikes and scooters and climbing on the boat.


Oscar enjoyed doing a puzzle.

A group of children enjoyed doing an alphabet puzzle. Freddie showed he knew all of the letter names and the sounds each letter makes. He was able to match capital letters with small letters.

Radwan enjoyed experimenting with different liquids and mixing them together to see what happened.

This week our new fire pit was also set up in the great adventurers garden. We are looking forward to sitting round it together.

The little explorers week 22

The children have enjoyed exploring loose parts out in the garden experimenting with different forces.

In chatter tots this week they were learning how to make playdough taking turns.


They have also been developing gross motor skills through climbing.


Some children enjoyed roleplay in the home corner.


They also enjoyed going on a bear hunt.

Some children also enjoyed practising their cutting skills.


Deryn enjoyed investigating the trucks and animals.

The great adventurers week 21

This week the children’s ABC and beyond word was careful meaning watch out for any dangers. They were searching through pictures for anything they might have to be careful of.

In their groups children were focusing on counting out quantities and matching the quantity to the correct number.

The children have been focusing on a weekly social goal. Last week the focus was on joining in. Each group had a different activity to do and they had the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills.

The great adventurers enjoyed playing out in garden in the rain jumping in the rain puddles and using water to make their own puddles in other areas of the garden. They enjoyed being able to move freely between the two gardens playing with the little explorers.

Jessica showed an interest in water going down the drain.

Layla and Harrison did some great sharing keeping each other dry with the umbrella.

Other children enjoyed experimenting with the bungee cords roleplaying people getting stuck on a boat.

They experimented with different ways they could get out of the boat. Lewis tried to go under the cords and Riley tried to go over them.

The children had a visit last Friday from a police officer. She spoke to the children about keeping safe through the story she shared with them about yes or no. They also had the opportunity to ask any questions they had to find out more about the job of a police officer.

The little explorers week 21

Some children have enjoyed exploring loose parts using their fine motor skills to build.


Others enjoyed playing with the trucks and experimenting with ramps.


The children enjoyed mark making using chunky felt tip pens and paint.

They helped to create their own glittery playdough and moulded it into different shapes to make their own models.

In Chatter tots the children mixed together frozen fruit and glue to create a mixture. They used this to create their own pieces of artwork.

The little explorers enjoyed playing in the rain this week out in the garden and having the opportunity to move freely between the two nursery gardens to playing with the great adventurers.


They also enjoyed some roleplay in the home corner.


Some children were practising their colours by posting the letters into the matching coloured letterbox.

Freya enjoyed exploring teeth and roleplaying the dentist.