The great adventurers week 15

This week the children had a visit from the Book bug. They read a story using puppets and sang songs. The got hugs and high fives from Book bug.

In the garden the children used loose parts to create a house for the worms. They thought carefully about how to put the pieces together to make it strong. They worked together to paint the house using foam and brushes.

Jaxon created his own ice cream shop and told his customers he had limited edition flavours. They all had to line up to get an ice cream.

Some other children enjoyed exploring pipes seeing what different things they could do with them including sounds they could make.



The little explorers week 15

This week the children enjoyed exploring with paints creating their own pictures.

They used colouring to make their own green playdough.

Freyah created her own outdoor cinema using the screen as a cinema screen. They each had their own seat including baby. They also had popcorn at the cinema.

The children have also been practising their cutting skills cutting different types of paper.

The children are all enjoying a healthy snack together.

The great adventurers week 13 and 14

Our next ABC and beyond word was beware. The children had to look out for dangers in the picture and identify what they needed to beware of. They learned that beware means watch out.

“Beware of the dog.”

“Beware of cars.”

The children enjoyed climbing so we brought out the crash mat for children to jump off the wooden box. Each time they had to beware of anyone on the mat and watch out to make sure it was ok to jump.

In the garden the children have enjoyed digging. The boys were digging for treasure.

Some children have been using water to paint different things in the garden. They enjoyed looking at what happened when they put water over ice.

After decorating the tree in the nursery we wondered if we could have an outdoor Christmas tree. The children helped plant a branch which had fallen off the tree using spades and wheel barrows to collect soil. They worked together to ensure it had a strong foundation so it would stay standing. They enjoyed using different kinds of decorations to decorate their tree.

Other children enjoyed using loose parts to build their own dens and houses. They used bamboo and mallets to keep the bamboo stuck in the ground.

Layla has been practising hers numbers this week counting out different quantities using stickers.