Please find information about the Better Movers and Thinkers Summer School 2016.
If interested early booking is recommended.
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Please find information about the Better Movers and Thinkers Summer School 2016.
If interested early booking is recommended.
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Following a short period of training 32 children from Rockfield P4-7 took part in the OLI Interschool Orienteering championships on Friday at Ganavan in glorious sunny weather. The children had a fantastic experience and were great ambassadors for the school. They all attempted to navigate their way around various courses at great speed with some children achieving first, second or third place but all children put in a fantastic effort and tried their very best.
Continue reading Rockfield orienteers win Inter- school Championship
On Tuesday we had our first Shared Finish of the Summer term. We couldn’t believe how beautiful the weather was, so we planned lots of outdoor learning opportunities! We had fun throwing wet sponges to create sums, making natural material graphs, using sticks to make capital letters, writing fairytale stories in the Magic Garden….and so much more! Lots and lots of parents came to share in the fun. Afterwards, we all came together to reflect on what we had enjoyed and what we had been learning about. We used this information to help us plan for next week. We can’t wait!
Continue reading First Shared Finish at Colgrain
There is an interesting article in the Spring/Summer 2016 edition of The Nature of Scotland, produced by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), about how people of different parts of Argyll were given Gaelic animal nicknames. The article is in English and Gaelic.
Strachur Primary pupil council met on Monday to look at the designs submitted by the children for our new school tie. Staff at school have been voting on the 10 shortlisted by the pupil council and our parent council will vote tonight.
Continue reading Strachur Primary shortlist design for new school tie
Pupils at Dalintober & ELCC embarked on a journey of discovery through the world of work.
The week involved a range of visits to places of work in the local area and the school also welcomed a wide variety of visitors through its doors to work with classes.
ELCC had a visit from our School Crossing Patroller and the children loved taking turns to hold the lollipop.
Continue reading ‘World of Work’ Week at Dalintober PS and ELCC
Day 1: In space base we looked at all the planets. We found out about what people thought the solar system looked like before telescopes. Then when telescopes were invented we were able to see the solar system like it is today.
In fizz bang boom we had to make a fizzy, cool, colourful chemical reaction. We also created a huge party popper which made a ball of fire (but only a quick one) and we made a very messy experiment which was basically a volcano.
Continue reading Science with Skipness, Clachan and Tarbert
In February 2016 Bill Clifford, a guest speaker from Mary’s Meals, came and spoke to the Primary 7class about the ways in which the Mary’s Meals charity helps children. After the visit the Primary 7 pupils asked if they could take part in the Mary’s Meals Backpack Project.
Continue reading Rockfield Primary 7 donates 57 Backpacks to Mary’s Meals!
Tarbert Academy Drama Club performed ‘The Pilgrimage’ by Pauk Goetzee at the Argyll Drama Festival last week! They were winners of the Youth Achievement Trophy, with the adjudicator, Kevin Boland, commenting on ‘the high standard of acting from a very talented team’. The Club is open to pupils from P7 upwards and this year’s cast ranged in age from P7 up to S5. Here they are just before going on stage!
Rhu P4 recently took part in a Food Technology project where they designed their own healthy sandwich. The children found out more about sandwich fillings, identified different food groups, found out about food hygiene and tasted a range of breads before making their healthy sandwich and eating it for lunch! The children brought their own ingredients and equipment on the day and successfully combined healthy ingredients to make some delicious looking sandwiches!
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below information about postgraduate opportunities at the University of Edinburgh. Further information can be gained by contacting – Dr Ailsa Niven and Dr Sam Fawkner, Programme Directors, MSc Physical Activity for Health, Tel: +44 (0)131 651 6679, Email:
MSc Physical Activity for Health, the University of Edinburgh.
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Last week all pupils at Rothesay Primary wrote speeches for their Challenge Homework. The pupils then had to deliver their speeches in class and answer any questions their classmates might have. Topics ranged from holidays, to hobbies, to family pets – Mrs Shaw even met a little black puppy in the corridor after having been a ‘live’ prop! Pupils learned the skills of note making, using prompt cards, ways to use props, how to involve your audience and how to listen and think of questions to ask if you were in the audience.
Continue reading Speech Making Week at Rothesay Primary
Celebrating Shakespeare at Rothesay Primary Pupils at Rothesay Primary recently had a special assembly because Morven Gregor, the Education Officer at Mount Stuart had some very exciting news to tell us – an original set of 3 volumes of Shakespeare had been found on Bute! Morven told us that a curator had come from Oxford University to make sure the books were genuine – and they were!
Continue reading Celebrating Shakespeare at Rothesay Primary
As part of the Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes, Primary Three at Rhu, recently took part in a ‘Street Feet’ programme aimed to reinforce road safety rules. Children enjoyed several practical sessions in which they undertook role-play scenarios to avoid danger and ensure their safety as pedestrians.
Primary one, two and three pupils at Rhu recently performed their ‘Eddie The Penguin Saves the World’ show to peers and parents. The performance was the culmination of a collaborative topic exploring the Polarlands.
The topic had an underlying Eco theme and provided lots of opportunity for cross-curricular links, with children singing, acting, playing percussion and hosting weekly assemblies to reinforce important Eco messages.
Continue reading Polarlands Performance at Rhu