Celebrating Shakespeare at Rothesay Primary

RPS Shakespeare 2 May 2016Celebrating Shakespeare at Rothesay Primary Pupils at Rothesay Primary recently had a special assembly because Morven Gregor, the Education Officer at Mount Stuart had some very exciting news to tell us – an original set of 3 volumes of Shakespeare had been found on Bute! Morven told us that a curator had come from Oxford University to make sure the books were genuine – and they were!

RPS Shakespeare 4 May 2016The three books, known as The Bute Folio, have been stored very carefully and are in excellent condition – a very important find as the world celebrates 400 years since Shakespeare died.

RPS Shakespeare 1 May 2016All pupils on Bute have a free pass to visit Mount Stuart, but some lucky pupils were invited to the opening event.

Ross even got to cut the Shakespearean cake before everyone saw the special books and all the frontispieces that pupils from across the island schools had designed to mark the event.

RPS Shakespeare 3 May 2016RPS Shakespeare 5 May 2016

Rothesay Primary would like to thank Mount Stuart for sharing this exciting moment with us.

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