Category Archives: PSE

Keeping healthy at Kirn Primary School

Kirn PS Keeping Healthy 1One of the last whole school events held in the ‘old’ building of Kirn PS was our annual Health Week. Fun and informative health promoting events were organised for the whole week involving all ten classes and our Early Learning Childcare Centre. We were so lucky that lots of the health professionals in our community offered their time and expertise to lead sessions.

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Strachur’s New Polytunnel

Strachur Pollytunnel 1 Mr Burke VisitWe are delighted that Mr Burke (local Strachur retiree) has come into our school to transform our polytunnel from an overgrown jungle to something fit for Beechgrove Garden! We are now growing tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, radishes and lettuce. Mr Burke has been involving groups of children in the process and pupils have taken responsibility for watering the plants everyday.

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New Construction Area at Campbeltown ELC!

Sheena Stewart Mini MOK on Facebook for HomelinkThanks to Buildbase, children from Campbeltown ELC, Meadows Under Fives and the Kintyre Toy Library have been enjoying a fantastic new outdoor construction area at Campbeltown Nursery Centre.
Staff at the centre take great pride in promoting outdoor learning and are extremely grateful to Buildbase for supplying the gravel and ground sheeting to enable the area to be created. The site promotes an endless range of leaning activities and is proving to be very popular with all the children.

St. Joseph’s Community and Parish Partnership

St Josephs Coffee mornimg 1 May 31 2016What a lovely morning was had by all at Helensburgh’s Lite Bite Coffee morning on 31 May when some P7 children from St. Joseph’s went down to help and say ‘Thanks’. The ladies and gentleman of the regular Tuesday coffee morning held at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall welcomed the children of St. Joseph’s with open arms – and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves getting acquainted with not only Parish members but also members of the Helensburgh community from other faiths…or no faith at all.

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Outdoor Learning Twilight

OWLS at Stramash May 31The first gathering of Oban and Lorn Little Owls met at sunny Ganavan on Monday 30th May at 4pm. OWLS (Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland) is a national group, formed from the Forest Education Initiative and promotes outdoor learning. At our gathering we shared ideas, tried out some new maths and talking and listening activities and of course had a brew on the Kelly kettle.

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Health Week Partnership at St Joseph’s

St Josephs 1 Health Week A1Last week saw the whole school and Pre-5 unit get involved in Health Week here at St. Joseph’s. Fantastic Physical Health activities were delivered, particularly in conjunction with Active Schools.

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Sandbank send a friend 2The pupils of Sandbank Primary School and the Early Learning and Childcare Unit are very aware of how lucky they are to have access to a safe and stable school environment where they can learn and have fun together with their friends. They, along with their teachers, know that this is unfortunately not the case for all children around the world and the school regularly has participated in the “Send My Friend to School Project”


PGL Adventures for Strone Primary

Strone DGL 1P5-7 pupils enjoyed an action packed weekend at the PGL Dalguise Centre in Perthshire. Activities included canoeing, zip wire, climbing and abseiling, problem solving games and the giant swing which was everyone’s favourite. The fantastic weather was an extra bonus!

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Allan’s Road Safety Magic Show

Allan's Magic Show - CardrossPupils from Argyll and Bute’s Cardross Primary School had a ‘magical’ start to their week when they had a visit from Allan’s Road Safety Magic Show.
The innovative show uses magic tricks to highlight key road safety themes including safe places to cross, the importance of wearing bright clothing and keeping away from parked cars.

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Rothesay Primary School Eco Day

RPS Eco Day May 2016Rothesay Primary School held their first ever Eco day on Monday 9th May. It was a huge success. The Eco committee worked with teachers to organise lots of different activities and all 255 pupils took part. Some of the favourite things were making (and eating) fruit kebabs, making bird feeders, parachute games, Eco art, making Earth mobiles, and singing Eco songs. We also picked up every scrap of litter from the playground. The whole school learned about the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainability, too. Continue reading Rothesay Primary School Eco Day

Lochgoilhead goes Wild About Scotland!

Lochgoilhead Go Wilke Bus 1The Primary 4-7 children at Lochgoilhead enjoyed a visit from the RZSS Wild About Scotland bus yesterday where they took part in lots of hands on learning about Beavers and Endangered animals. Lots of fun was had and the sun even shone all day!

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‘World of Work’ Week at Dalintober PS and ELCC

Dalintober World of Work Week  SpringbankPupils at Dalintober & ELCC embarked on a journey of discovery through the world of work.
The week involved a range of visits to places of work in the local area and the school also welcomed a wide variety of visitors through its doors to work with classes.
ELCC had a visit from our School Crossing Patroller and the children loved taking turns to hold the lollipop.
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Science with Skipness, Clachan and Tarbert

Science with Skipness, Clachan and TarbertDay 1: In space base we looked at all the planets. We found out about what people thought the solar system looked like before telescopes. Then when telescopes were invented we were able to see the solar system like it is today.

In fizz bang boom we had to make a fizzy, cool, colourful chemical reaction. We also created a huge party popper which made a ball of fire (but only a quick one) and we made a very messy experiment which was basically a volcano.
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Rhu P4 Healthy Sandwich – Food Technology

Rhu PS Food tech 1 May 2016Rhu P4 recently took part in a Food Technology project where they designed their own healthy sandwich. The children found out more about sandwich fillings, identified different food groups, found out about food hygiene and tasted a range of breads before making their healthy sandwich and eating it for lunch! The children brought their own ingredients and equipment on the day and successfully combined healthy ingredients to make some delicious looking sandwiches!

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DGS Autism Awareness

DGSAutismAwarenessApril 1st 2016 was Autism Awareness Day in Dunoon Grammar School. The Learning Centre pupils prepared a Power Point presentation to show at house time and made a whole army of gingerbread cookies to sell on the day. The whole school was invited to design jigsaw pieces which were joined together for display in the Forum, showing that DGS supports Autism awareness. The event was a great success so well done to everyone involved. A total of £120 was raised for our local autism support organisation: Autism Argyll.

Creative Days at Kilcreggan Primary School

Creative day at Kilcreggan 3The children, staff and parents of Kilcreggan Primary School had a great end to the Spring term trying out new skills. Using our skills as Confident individuals, we took creative risks! We were organised, managed our emotions and challenged ourselves to ‘Go for it, Finish it!’ Activities that were on offer included crochet, origami, cake decorating, K’nex challenge, yoga, fimo modelling, using ipads to create games, creative music and decoupage. The children worked in vertical groupings working and supporting each other.

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Dunoon Primary School Health Week

DPS Health week 1This week the whole school have been involved in lots of physical activity including karate, shinty, orienteering, tennis, fitness dance and yoga. The older children also had presentations from Police Scotland, local Health Visitors and the assistant manager from the local Oxfam shop who all gave very interesting talks with very important messages regarding physical and emotional wellbeing.

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