Category Archives: environment

Kirn P6 go wild at Ardentinny

Kirn PS Ardentinny 1 Sept 15Back to school was even more exciting for Kirn Primary’s P6 pupils this year as they set off for four days of challenges at Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre.

Children were treated to a programme of gorge walking, which was very challenging and involved walking up waterfalls, canoeing, and lots of team challenges. Strategies had to be invented to move children through a rope course, and teamwork skills were needed to create a crate stack. Continue reading Kirn P6 go wild at Ardentinny

New Trim Trail for St. Joseph’s!

St Josephs TRIM TRAIL 1Monday 07 September was a day of great celebration at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. Thanks to the generosity of ‘Awards for All Scotland’, the school has just installed a brand new trim trail in the senior playground. The total cost of the work to date is slightly in excess of £11,500, £10,000 of which was given by the ‘Awards for All Scotland’ grant.

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‘Groundforce Day – Port Charlotte Pre 5’…

Groundforce day Port CharlotteParents, children, staff and members of the local community have been hard at work this weekend developing our Pre 5 outdoor area. There was a great turnout and we are looking forward to day 2! The children and parents have planned the different areas they would like to have, these include a ‘Dig pit’, ‘Magical den’, ‘Story stage’ and ‘Mud kitchen’. Here’s to a great start to outdoor learning!

Dunoon Primary wins prizes at Strathclyde University

DPS reallysmallscience verion 3Pupils from Dunoon Primary School were invited to the reallysmallscience on tour celebration event, at the University of Strathclyde, on the 17th of June. Primary 7 pupils, Siobhan Simpson and Leagha Campbell lifted the trophy for the best 3D entry for the ‘science in everyday life’ image competition. P7 pupil, Lucia Westwood-Phillips also received a medal for her drawing entry to the competition.

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Local History Display – Glenbranter Forestry Office July 2015

Sandbank Glenbranter office 1Taisbeanach – Ard na Blathaich
Chuir clas 6/7 o Bhunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich crioch air an topaic aca mun eachdraidh ionadail le taisbeanach san oifis Coiltearachd Gleann a’Bhrandaidh o chionn ghoirid.
Sandbank Primary’s GM6/7 ended their topic on local history by setting up an exhibition in the Glenbranter Visitor Centre and Forestry Offices.

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Crofting Connections – the story of wool

Sandbank Crofting Connections  card 12Rinn clas Ghaidhlig 6/7 ealain le cloimhe. B’fheudar dhuinn cìreadh, snìomh agus breabadaireachd a dh’ionnsachadh. Chuir sinn dathan nadarrach air an cloimhe cuideachd.
As part of our local history study and Crofting Connections programme, Sandbank GMU 6/7 worked on their handcraft skills to complete a piece of textile art together. We took the inspiration of a croft as the basis for a wall hanging, seeing as we had researched an abandoned farm settlement near Loch Eck.
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sandbank school trip – Bute

Sandbank woodwatch 1At the end of May, GM6/7 from Sandbank Primary (Bunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich) travelled to Mount Stuart on the Isle of Bute to participate in some ancient technology courtesy of Gordon and Jessica at Bute Heritage Woodwatch.
We had a brilliant day in the woods learning about how our ancestors lived throughout history. Sitting inside the Bronze age roundhouse we imagined life long ago and saw how they made hooks, needles, whistles, arrowheads etc from natural materials such as bones and antlers.

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Success lands at John Logie Baird Primary School and Pre 5 Unit once again.

JLB Green photoFollowing a recent intense assessment from Paula Love, an Eco Schools assessor John Logie Baird successfully secured our Green Flag. Our amazing Mrs McArthur, Primary 6 class teacher and our Eco group worked tirelessly to showcase all that John Logie Baird was doing to recycle, reuse, manage waste and pick up litter. Paula commented on what a warm welcome she received and paid tribute to our whole school’s inclusive approach…. And what’s more, our nine newly erected raised beds will help us to gain our next green flag in the near future.

Life’s a Beach at Rhunahaorine

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 2Children at Rhunahaorine have taken to the beach this term. With the help of funding from the GRAB trust we set up our Crocodile Camp where we learned how to make a campfire safely and cook damper bread and marshmallows. We learned how to tie knots which helped us to set up our seating area and make shelters.We learned about some of the creatures that live on the shore and played the limpet game to help us remember how they survive.

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Ma thèid thu sìos dhan choille an-diugh

Bowmore Bothan 1Diluain 16 An t-Ògmhios, chaidh a’ chlann ann an Clas 4-6 aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr dhan choille aig Beul an Atha. An toiseach, chaidh sinn dhan Ghàrradh Choimhearsnachd airson beagan measan is glasraich fhaighinn. Gu mi-fhortanach, air sgàth an droch aimsir, cha robh mòran ri fhaighinn ach fhuair sinn leiteis, chives, radish agus beagan rùbarab.

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Kirn’s ELCC Head Outdoors

Kirn ELCC 1Over the past three weeks, we have been meeting each Friday morning at Scabby Knowe, near to Kirn School for Outdoor Learning with some of our parents and also some of the Childcare students from Dunoon Grammar School. Each week we planned what we would do when we arrived next time.

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The Sunshine Room Social Skills Group Go Troll Hunting

Parklands School Troll hunting 2The pupils from The Sunshine Room Social Skills Group had a fantastic expedition to Inchcailloch Island, Loch Lomond to hunt for trolls. The boys and girl met with Fiona, the park ranger to look for signs of trolls on the island, while searching for trolls Fiona told them lots about the other animals, birds, insects, plants and flowers that live on the island. The group also had time for some toasted marshmallows on a camp fire (a trolls favourite treat) before playing some magical games on the beach.

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Butterflies….at Garelochhead Primary

Garelochhead Butterflies 1Primary 1 and Primary 3/2 at Garelochhead primary have been looking after butterflies. They watched them grow from very tiny caterpillars, to huge big ones, before they turned into chrysalises. The butterflies took their time turning into butterflies and then they were set free. Primary 3/2 collected lots of natural things from the garden to make the butterflies at home in their habitat. The classes were very excited to see that the butterflies liked to eat fruit. Both classes enjoyed exploring the life cycle through observations of the real thing.

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Outdoor Learning – Community and Parent Links at St. Joseph’s!

St Jospehs PS Outdoor Learning 1Outdoor Learning has really taken off at St. Joseph’s! Whilst Mrs Thomson and Mrs Savage have been leading developments in the school with Ross, the Pre-5 staff have linked the parental ‘Fun First Fridays’ with outdoor learning, allowing the parents to work and read with their children outdoors. Such is the commitment of the staff to continue to improve this aspect of learning; they are determined not to let the weather stop them.

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Kirn’s P6 have “the BEST time EVER” at Ardentinny

Kirn Ardentiny 1Kirn Primary’s P6 children had an amazing time at Ardentinny Outdoor Centre and in just under four days managed to rock-hop, safari on the seashore, abseil, waterfall climb, forest walk, orienteer, eat great food, disco and have the Best Time EVER! Everyone had a fantastic time and lots of happy memories to bring home.

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Scientists in the Making!

DPS Glasgow Scientific Centre 4P7 pupils from Dunoon Primary School recently visited Glasgow Scientific Services as part of their Science Interdisciplinary Study. The pupils had been learning about radiation and the Chernobyl disaster. They recently had Mr Tom Henry, retired Environmental Health Officer, visit their classroom to talk about the radiation monitoring and sampling that he carried out as part of his job. All the samples that Mr Henry took were analysed in Glasgow Scientific Services and so he accompanied the class on their trip.
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Glassary go on a farm to fork trail

Glassary PS Tesco farm to fork 3P1-3 had a great time visiting Tesco in Oban as part of their Food and Farming topic. They began in the bakery and helped to make bread and see all the stages that bread goes through before it appears on the store shelves. Watching fresh pancakes be made and then eating them whilst still warm was a highlight of the visit! Another favourite activity was tasting and comparing cheeses made from cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk on the cheese counter.

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