Life’s a Beach at Rhunahaorine

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 2Children at Rhunahaorine have taken to the beach this term. With the help of funding from the GRAB trust we set up our Crocodile Camp where we learned how to make a campfire safely and cook damper bread and marshmallows. We learned how to tie knots which helped us to set up our seating area and make shelters.We learned about some of the creatures that live on the shore and played the limpet game to help us remember how they survive.

Once we had good Beach Schools skills we showed the nursery children everything we knew- and they took a turn of Crocodile Camp!

Finally we invited our parents and friends to see everything we learned and to join us for a Festival of the Sea and end of term service. Everyone agreed that Beach Schools are wonderful and we can’t wait to go back next year.

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 1Showing the younger children our learning in the gazebo

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 3The nursery cooking damper bread

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 4Using our knot tying skills to set up camp

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 2Our end of term achievement awards

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