Outdoor Learning has really taken off at St. Joseph’s! Whilst Mrs Thomson and Mrs Savage have been leading developments in the school with Ross, the Pre-5 staff have linked the parental ‘Fun First Fridays’ with outdoor learning, allowing the parents to work and read with their children outdoors. Such is the commitment of the staff to continue to improve this aspect of learning; they are determined not to let the weather stop them.
As a result, the school has recently purchased outdoor weather proof suits for all age ranges thus allowing every child the opportunity to learn outside, despite the weather.
The staff recently had their classroom observation lessons based on Outdoor Learning which was a treat to observe. Excellent use of outdoor space and resources brought to life lessons on everything from time to phonics!
We’re looking forward to another year of fun outdoor learning here at St. Joseph’s!
Given that we can have 4 seasons in one day, the outdoor clothing should come in very useful!
The children love learning outdoors, whatever the weather!