Category Archives: Personal Development

Kilmartin Primary School’s Amazing Artists

Kilmartin amazing artists 1Creativity is always a top priority at Kilmartin P.S. and this term, the children are very proud of the outcome of their portrait work, showing how rapidly their skills are developing. As part of their lessons, they have studied works by Picasso and have been learning to sketch with charcoal and how to use tone effectively. I’m sure the children would love to have your comments on their work.

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Duchess Woods Cross Country

Rhu duchess 29th April 2016Speedy runners from Rhu scooped top prizes in the Duchess Woods Cross Country relays.
In the Primary 6 girls race Sasha Walker, Louisa Brown and Roisin Kavanagh all put in top class performances and galloped home in first place to take the gold medals. While the nippy boys team of Ross Carmichael, Max Brannan and William Harrison put up a strong performance against toug competition to secure third place. However, their combined times put them in the top spot for winning the overall Primary 6 shield.

Wonderful ‘Chess’ success at Rockfield!

Rockfield PS Chess 1 April 2016Billy Bratton, David Simpson and Stewart Martin represented Rockfield Primary Chess Club at the Delancey UK school’s chess challenge Megafinal 2016 in Airdrie on Saturday 24th April. The three primary 4 boys successfully gained some good wins and draws during the tournament as well as making some new friends.
Lots of fun was had by all.

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Tayvallich P4-7 – Action in an Emergency

Tayvallich First aid training 1Pupils at Tayvallich PS have been learning how to save a life. On Tuesday 19 April Mr. Andy Craven talked to the P4-7 children about the correct methods of dealing with cardiac arrest. He discussed protocols and the children were made aware of the physical signs of a person who was unwell and suffering cardiac arrest.

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Musical Notes by J EnglandOBAN Corran Halls
Thursday April 21, 4-6pm
Music activities to support health and wellbeing outcomes.
Learn practical activities to promote: confidence, listening skills, leadership and collaboration.
For more information or to book:

Creative Days at Kilcreggan Primary School

Creative day at Kilcreggan 3The children, staff and parents of Kilcreggan Primary School had a great end to the Spring term trying out new skills. Using our skills as Confident individuals, we took creative risks! We were organised, managed our emotions and challenged ourselves to ‘Go for it, Finish it!’ Activities that were on offer included crochet, origami, cake decorating, K’nex challenge, yoga, fimo modelling, using ipads to create games, creative music and decoupage. The children worked in vertical groupings working and supporting each other.

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Dunoon Primary School Health Week

DPS Health week 1This week the whole school have been involved in lots of physical activity including karate, shinty, orienteering, tennis, fitness dance and yoga. The older children also had presentations from Police Scotland, local Health Visitors and the assistant manager from the local Oxfam shop who all gave very interesting talks with very important messages regarding physical and emotional wellbeing.

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DGS Autism Awareness

DGS Autism AwarenessApril 1st 2016 was Autism Awareness Day in Dunoon Grammar School. The Learning Centre pupils prepared a Power Point presentation to show at house time and made a whole army of gingerbread cookies to sell on the day. The whole school was invited to design jigsaw pieces which were joined together for display in the Forum, showing that DGS supports Autism awareness. The event was a great success so well done to everyone involved. A total of £120 was raised for our local autism support organisation: Autism Argyll.

DGS Learning Centre pupils visit Ardroy Outdoor Centre

DGS Learning Centre pupils visit Ardroy Outdoor CentreDunoon Grammar School learning centre pupils have returned from a big adventure at Ardroy Outdoor Centre on the shore of Loch Goil. This three day residential formed part of their John Muir Silver Award and involved learning centre pupils exploring hillsides, beaches and taking to the water in canoes. They built dens, made fire and some even made a mud slide down the hill!

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Author visit in Mid-Argyll

Furnace and Minard author visitOn Thursday the 31st of March children from across Mid-Argyll in P4 and 5 enjoyed a workshop with children’s author, Emily Dodd.

Emily, whose books include, ‘The Mouse and the Grouse’ and ‘Can’t Dance Cameron’ worked with the children on how to write a good story. She used the two book characters, ‘Book Buddy’ and ‘Reading Rhino’ that the children in Mid-Argyll had voted on for our recent Reading is Fun competition.
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Strath of Appin Pupils Perform ‘Troy Story’

Strath of Appin TroyPrimary 4-7 pupils perform ‘Troy Story’ at the North Lorn Drama Festival. Adjudicator Nat Little congratulated the pupils on an excellent play which was ‘word-perfect’ with great team work, a ‘real credit to Community Drama’. Particular highlights included the choreography, sound effects, costumes and the ‘funeral scene’. The children had worked hard on the play focussing on voice projection and use of expression in movement. A super achievement winning some well-deserved silverware too!

Strath of Appin – Magnificent Masks!

Strath of Appin MasksPre school and primary pupils at Strath of Appin Primary show-off their crafty masks. As part of their whole school homework challenge the pupils had to design and make an Easter or spring-themed mask. A wonderful assortment of masks were made and brought in to school where the pupils enjoyed wearing them to their Easter Service at Appin Church.

Active Schools Grassroots Sports Development – Parklands Tennis Project

Parklands Parklands Tennis 1With the recent success of local sporting hero Gordon Reid winning his first Australian Open Tennis title and other British players doing well in the same competition, it seems a perfect time to highlight current investment to develop Tennis at grassroots level.

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Dunoon Primary Celebrate British Science Week

DPS Science March 2016Dunoon Primary Celebrate British Science Week Pupils in Dunoon Primary School went on a journey of discovery into the world of nanoscience and engineering.
Dunoon Primary School was awarded funding from the British Science Association to host a science event, one of thousands of activities occurring across the country, for British Science Week (11th-20th of March).

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