Category Archives: Communities

Colgrain Pre-5 Unit Fire Station visit

10On Monday 23rd May, Colgrain Pre-5 Unit boys and girls had a very exciting adventure to Helensburgh Fire Station. We have been learning about our local environment and the special roles that people play in it. We were taken on a tour of the Fire Station and got to see the sleeping quarters, the kitchen,the pole,the fire engines and we all got a shot of the hose! Mr Mussett also showed us the medical equipment that the firefighters use. When the morning boys and girls were there we got to see a real emergency call out – it was very exciting! Thank you to all the parents who accompanied us on our trip, and an especially big thank you to Mr Mussett for organising our visit! Continue reading Colgrain Pre-5 Unit Fire Station visit

Salen PS Eco-Committee Summer Term Gardening Diary

Salen Gardening Diary 1The members of the eco-committee (assisted by School Clerical Gill, ASN Assistant Caroline and our Jolly Janny, Jan) have been busy planting out barley, beans and sugar snap peas. The potatoes got mounded up and everything needed a good watering.

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Remembering Mrs Tato at Strachur Primary

Strachur Remember Mrs Tato 1Many thanks to all who contributed on Friday to Mrs Tato’s memorial day. The children from Pre-5 to P5 enjoyed their pizza workshops with P6/7 (Mrs Tato loved Italy and used to stay there).

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Heartstart at Strachur

Heartstart at Strachur 1Angela from the British Heart foundation was in our school today to train our Primary 7s in the Heartstart Emergency Life Support Programme. They learned how to perform CPR and other emergency life saving skills. Mrs Wilson was Angela’s assistant for demonstrating the recovery position, thank you Mrs Wilson!

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Allan’s Road Safety Magic Show

Allan's Magic Show - CardrossPupils from Argyll and Bute’s Cardross Primary School had a ‘magical’ start to their week when they had a visit from Allan’s Road Safety Magic Show.
The innovative show uses magic tricks to highlight key road safety themes including safe places to cross, the importance of wearing bright clothing and keeping away from parked cars.

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Cast ‘Pilgrimage’

Tarbert CAST PilgrimageTarbert Academy Drama Club performed ‘The Pilgrimage’ by Pauk Goetzee at the Argyll Drama Festival last week! They were winners of the Youth Achievement Trophy, with the adjudicator, Kevin Boland, commenting on ‘the high standard of acting from a very talented team’. The Club is open to pupils from P7 upwards and this year’s cast ranged in age from P7 up to S5. Here they are just before going on stage!

Tayvallich P4-7 – Action in an Emergency

Tayvallich First aid training 1Pupils at Tayvallich PS have been learning how to save a life. On Tuesday 19 April Mr. Andy Craven talked to the P4-7 children about the correct methods of dealing with cardiac arrest. He discussed protocols and the children were made aware of the physical signs of a person who was unwell and suffering cardiac arrest.

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DGS Autism Awareness

DGSAutismAwarenessApril 1st 2016 was Autism Awareness Day in Dunoon Grammar School. The Learning Centre pupils prepared a Power Point presentation to show at house time and made a whole army of gingerbread cookies to sell on the day. The whole school was invited to design jigsaw pieces which were joined together for display in the Forum, showing that DGS supports Autism awareness. The event was a great success so well done to everyone involved. A total of £120 was raised for our local autism support organisation: Autism Argyll.

Dunoon Primary Celebrate British Science Week

DPS Science March 2016Dunoon Primary Celebrate British Science Week Pupils in Dunoon Primary School went on a journey of discovery into the world of nanoscience and engineering.
Dunoon Primary School was awarded funding from the British Science Association to host a science event, one of thousands of activities occurring across the country, for British Science Week (11th-20th of March).

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Sports Relief at Strachur

Strachur Sport Relief 4Strachur Primary pupils and staff dressed sporty and red on Friday 18th March for their Sport Relief activities. We held three football tournments, refereed by Mr Ferguson, Mr Bryce and Tommi from P7. We had a P1/2 game, a P3/4/5 game and a P6/7 game.

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Technologies Showcase at Innellan Primary

Innellan Tech Showcase 2Pupils from Toward, Innellan, St Muns and Dunoon, supported by Gary Clark and Steven Simpson have been learning how to write computer code. Dunoon has been using Lego WeDo and the other schools have been using Kudo. The progress and improvements in the pupils independent working and problem solving has been fantastic and the pupils over a period of a few weeks have managed to develop a wide range of simple to complex games.

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Colgrain Primary School early and first level Technology Day

Colgrain Technology Day 1On Friday 11th March, Colgrain Primary School had their early and first level Technology Day. The event saw the introduction of our fantastic new iPads, which have been purchased through funding bids and fundraising. To coincide with World Book Day, children dressed up as their favourite book character and used iPad apps to investigate books and stories. Pupils worked collaboratively within mixed stage groups, to create fun posters, comic strips, animation movies and books.

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Children’s Author visits Strone Primary School

Strone Childrens author visit 1A warm welcome was given to children’s author Simon Puttock when he spent the afternoon in school as part of his visit to Cowal.
Simon is the author of Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School which has just won the Bookbug Readers 3-7 years category at the Scottish Book Trust Awards.

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Luss WRI Visit

Luss WRI Visit 1 Rhys - WRIMrs Thomson and Mrs Buchanan from Luss WRI visited the school recently to judge the children’s creations for their WRI competition. Each year the children make something for the ladies to judge and the winners are presented with a trophy. This year Rhys from P5 won the P4-7 category with his flower press and Lucy from P3 won the P1-3 category with her basket.

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