Category Archives: Science

Islay Rock Map

Islay Rock Map 1The pupils of Port Charlotte Primary school have been learning about the fascinating geology of Islay. We were very lucky to have the help of local geologist David Webster for our project. David took us on field trips to every corner of the island and we learned lots of interesting facts about Islay’s geology and how the rocks which make up this amazing island were formed;

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Tayvallich P4-7 – Action in an Emergency

Tayvallich First aid training 1Pupils at Tayvallich PS have been learning how to save a life. On Tuesday 19 April Mr. Andy Craven talked to the P4-7 children about the correct methods of dealing with cardiac arrest. He discussed protocols and the children were made aware of the physical signs of a person who was unwell and suffering cardiac arrest.

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3128164-bluish-gymnastics-icon[1]The final version of the PE progression framework which has now been completed, as yet it is not on the Education Scotland website as it is being upgraded. Any questions, queries or comments round the framework please get in touch with Rona Young, PE Co-ordinator – Rona.Young2@argyll-Bute
Please note there are some alterations in the Cognitive Skills section.


Busy Time at Southend Primary School!

Southend Busy Time 1251 2Pupils at Southend Primary School have been very busy learning about the processes involved from farm and sea to fork.
We have been looking at different food groups, ‘The Eatwell Plate’ and the importance of a balanced diet. Members of the local community have visited to enrich our learning in this area. Jen Campbell discussed fishing; how the fish is caught, different species of fish found in our local area and some information about the work carried out by her husband and son, who are fishermen. We saw live crabs which they had caught and tasted crab pate.
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Dunoon Primary Celebrate British Science Week

DPS Science March 2016Dunoon Primary Celebrate British Science Week Pupils in Dunoon Primary School went on a journey of discovery into the world of nanoscience and engineering.
Dunoon Primary School was awarded funding from the British Science Association to host a science event, one of thousands of activities occurring across the country, for British Science Week (11th-20th of March).

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Technologies Showcase at Innellan Primary

Innellan Tech Showcase 2Pupils from Toward, Innellan, St Muns and Dunoon, supported by Gary Clark and Steven Simpson have been learning how to write computer code. Dunoon has been using Lego WeDo and the other schools have been using Kudo. The progress and improvements in the pupils independent working and problem solving has been fantastic and the pupils over a period of a few weeks have managed to develop a wide range of simple to complex games.

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Science fun resonating round Achaleven!

Gravity-defying structures, precious egg-bundles and musical mayhem were the order of the day on Tuesday when Kilchrenan and Barcaldine Primaries joined Achaleven for a celebration of science and technology as part of British Science Week.

Teamwork was required to figure out how to protect their prized eggs from damage whilst being dropped from great heights, whilst some amazing feats of architecture were created from spaghetti and marshmallows!
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Green Flag – Drumlemble Primary

Drumlemble Green Flag March 2016Drumlemble Primary School are delighted to announce that they have been awarded their third green flag. All of the children in the school have been working incredibly hard to achieve this. It has been wonderful to see all of the children fully involved in working towards their targets. Next term the children will build Eco into their Inter Disciplinary Learning and will work together to improved the school grounds. The children would like to thank Mrs McAlister and Mrs Black for their hard work and dedication in order to help them be to achieve this.

Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

SAMSOn Tuesday the 23rd of February, the pupils of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools had a fascinating visit to the Ocean Explorer Centre.

We have been learning about marine biology and RV technology in our recent IDL and during our personal learning time, so it was exciting to get a behind the scenes tour of the research at SAMs. Continue reading Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

Disgusting Digestion at Strachur Primary

Strachur Science Centre visit 2The Glasgow Science Centre visited our school this morning with lots of fun equipment to teach us about the journey food makes through our body! We watched clips, played games, did experiments and learned lots of facts about our bodies its function. We recommend you book a visit from them today, it was fantastic and made learning about digestion, fun! Thank you Gemma and Mike!

Primary 7
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Bowmore’s Blast Off!

Bowmore PS Blat offWe have been studying space at Bowmore Primary and following Tim Peake! G4-7 used their 3D shape knowledge and built a rocket! P1/2 have made rocket packs to help boost them into space. P3/4 found Tim Peake’s space boots in their classroom along with moon dust footprints. P4/5 seem to spend a lot of time researching in their space station as do G1-3. P6/7 used an awful lot of paper to demonstrate the distance between the sun and the planets and the sun.

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Park Primary 3 visit OHS Science Department!

Science OHS 1Primary 3 from Park Primary school recently made two trips to visit the Oban High Science department as part of their project on the States of Matter. They had a fantastic time learning about the changing states of matter and exploring materials that are soluble and insoluble.

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Hermitage Primary Technology Challenge

Hermitage PS Technologies challenge 2015Bringing their interdisciplinary topic to a close, Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Wednesday 4th November.
Incorporating Technologies, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress had to be recorded in form of a booklet and a Keynote presentation.
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John Muir award success at Kilcreggan Primary School

Kilcreggan John Muir certificatesTen pupils from Kilcreggan primary recently achieved John Muir Discovery awards in recognition of their awareness and responsibility for wild places work. The pupils were all part of an after school club which met weekly last session and undertook various activities in and around the school grounds relating to discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing wild places.

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Dalmally does Ready, Steady Cook!

Dalmally Ready Steady Cook 2In celebration of ‘School’s Food Day’ and as part of our Health and Wellbeing project, pupils at Dalmally Primary took part in a special clan challenge to design and create their very own healthy pizzas. Led by Miss MacKechnie, the whole school, including the nursery, joined in and enjoyed the opportunity to learn lots of new skills in the process. We even had a special guest judge, Sally Macleod from Glenorchy Lodge Hotel, who showed us how to toss a pizza base and helped our school cook Julie to judge our finished pizzas.
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Twig and Tigtag free until July 2016

Twig and Tigtag have been procured by Education Scotland for a further 12 months until July 2016. As a result, these award-winning online resources will continue to be available to all local authority schools through Glow for use by educators and learners across Scotland.

Twig is an award-winning online teaching resource providing thousands of tailor-made, short films to help bring lessons to life. Content has been created by teachers and academics to support delivery of Curriculum for Excellence covering sciences, social studies and mathematics for learners aged 11-16. Twig Experiments offers over 300 short films covering 81 key experiments.

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