Category Archives: Creativity

Clachan Primary Present; Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat

clachan-joseph-and-his-amazing-technicoloured-dreamcoat-1On Monday the 19th of December, Clachan Primary School presented a fabulous performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The children all sang beautifully, certainly a show to remember! The well-known tunes by Andrew Lloyd Webber were enjoyed by everyone. It was lovely to see such a great turnout. The audience joined us for tea and our homemade mince pies after the show. Everyone went home singing their favourite tunes!

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‘Twelve days of Christmas’ to Malawi

rhu-puppet-co-malawiThe P5 Pupils of Rhu Primary brought the ‘Twelve days of Christmas’ to Malawi.
Through their script writing, puppet making and puppet show performances they raised over £500 for the Nora Docherty School. At the end of term service the school will perform the song the Twelve days of Christmas with new words telling of the equipment sent. Happy Christmas Malawi!

Magic Castle Celebrations at Rhu Primary

rhu-magic-castle-1-parentThe P4 children at Rhu Primary recently celebrated their hard work for ‘The Magic Castle topic’ with friends and family. The pupils held an open afternoon where they gave visitors a guided tour of the ‘Great Hall’. Wall displays included Suits of Armour, Castle Maps, Fantasy Broomsticks, Owl collages, Secret Panels and even a Magic Spell Recipe book! The children also demonstrated how to build a catapult using lolly sticks and elastic bands!

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World War Two Tea Dance at Rhu Primary School

rhu-ww1-tea-danceTo mark the end of their World War 1 and 2 studies Primary 7 pupils celebrated in style with a 1945 inspired Tea Dance. As well as baking delicious ‘Anzac’ biscuits the pupils delved into their ration books and had sufficient coupons to make ‘carrot cookies’. Throughout the term the children have been learning how to jive and completed the day by sharing their newly acquired dance skills with their parents.

Tartan Tea Dance at Rhu Primary

rhu-tartan-tea-1On Friday 9th December, Primary 1 & 2 of Rhu Primary hosted a Tartan Tea Dance to celebrate their learning from their Scottish topic. The boys and girls danced traditional Scottish dances such as ‘The Canadian Barn Dance’ and ‘The Rhu Gordons’ and then invited their parents up to dance. They also sang Scottish themed songs, such as ‘Ya Cannae Shove Yer Granny Off A Bus’, ‘Katie Bairdie’ and ‘3 Craws’.

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“Aladdin Trouble” at Strath of Appin Primary School

soa-panto-1-dec-2016Children from the Pre 5 Unit and pupils of Strath of Appin Primary school put on a splendid production of “Aladdin Trouble” to a packed, appreciative audience in Appin Village Hall. The children had great fun learning and performing their panto.

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Rothesay Primary Nativity!

rps-nativity-2-dec-2016The boys and girls of Primary 1 brought a fabulous ‘Noisy Nativity’ to the United Church of Bute on Wednesday 14th December. The whole school joined in with all the songs with such gusto that Rev Jones said the roof nearly came off the church! Our P7 narrators helped keep everything on track and we all ooohed as the kings presented their gifts to the baby Jesus.

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2016 Argyll and Bute Writing Competition

CAST is happy to announce that the following young writers have won prizes in the 2016 Argyll and Bute Writing Competition, supported by Scottish Book Trust.

First – Mischief – Anna McCulloch, age 10, Lochgoilhead Primary School
Second – The Artist’s studio – Calum Ellis, P7, Dalintober, Primary School
Third – Bubble trouble – Bel van den Groenendaal, Age 10, Arinagour Primary School

Once again decisions were difficult to make, the standard of writing was superb – imagination abounds! Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners.

Hermitage Primary School P7 Technology Challenge

hermitage-ps-dec-2016-tech-challenge-1On Tuesday 6th December the Hermitage Primary School P7 Technology Challenge came to a close with the group presentations to an audience of invited judges and guests. Using skills in Technology, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the pupils had to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. They kept track of their progress in a booklet using the Book Creator Ipad app and delivered their presentations supported by a Keynote presentation

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Achaleven celebrates school’s birthday in Victorian Style

achaleven-dec-2016-1-victorian-day-logoWe had the ultimate #ThrowbackThursday on 17th November as Achaleven Primary held a Victorian day. Our school celebrates its 150th birthday this year so we turned back time, and discovered what a typical day would be like around the time the school opened.

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Digital Leaders at St Columba’s

st-columbas-digital-award-2016Some of the pupils in St Columba’s, have been awarded the title of Digital Leaders. The school works in partnership with iTeach, an education company who supports staff and pupils to embed the use of technology into their curriculum, who have helped to train some of the pupils to ensure that they can, amongst a wide range of things, troubleshoot and create video tutorials to support other pupils and staff. Every child in the school has their own iPad that is used to support them in all areas of the curriculum and to ensure that the children in St Columba’s have the very highest standard of digital skills possible.

Strachur Fundraises for Children in Need

strachur-children-in-need-fundraiser-1-2016Strachur fundraises for Children in Need
Strachur Primary and pre-5 have raised £173.42 for Children in Need this year. On Friday 18th November pupils and staff came to school dressed ‘back to front’ and Primary 5 and 6 ran a ‘Bring and Buy’ sale.

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Kirn Primary School

kirn-new-primary-school-planting-1The Contractor building the new Kirn Primary School, Morrisons, invited pupil to design posters which would be enlarged and placed on the hoardings outside the building site. Last Thursday the winners, accompanied by the nursery pupils, visited the site to see their pictures being displayed. While there, the pupils helped plant bulbs at the front of the Site Office.

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Pupil Digital Leader Event – Tell us what you think

week7-2The pupil Digital Leaders event took place in Inveraray on Friday 18th November.   This event was attended by 244 pupils from 40 schools.

It is important that our pupil’s opinions are heard and we would like feedback from our digital leaders via the survey emailed to staff.

The survey will close on Monday 28th November at 5pm and will take around 10 minutes to complete.