Rothesay Primary Nativity!

rps-nativity-2-dec-2016The boys and girls of Primary 1 brought a fabulous ‘Noisy Nativity’ to the United Church of Bute on Wednesday 14th December. The whole school joined in with all the songs with such gusto that Rev Jones said the roof nearly came off the church! Our P7 narrators helped keep everything on track and we all ooohed as the kings presented their gifts to the baby Jesus.

We hope you like our Nativity photographs taken by Mr Morrison who cleverly added the ‘magic’ backgrounds!


One thought on “Rothesay Primary Nativity!

  1. I love the idea of a ‘Noisy Nativity’ as Bethlehem would have been very noisy at the time of Jesus’ birth! Well done Rothesay! I love the photographs, especially the backgrounds!

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