Category Archives: Topics

Life’s a Beach at Rhunahaorine

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 2Children at Rhunahaorine have taken to the beach this term. With the help of funding from the GRAB trust we set up our Crocodile Camp where we learned how to make a campfire safely and cook damper bread and marshmallows. We learned how to tie knots which helped us to set up our seating area and make shelters.We learned about some of the creatures that live on the shore and played the limpet game to help us remember how they survive.

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Ma thèid thu sìos dhan choille an-diugh

Bowmore Bothan 1Diluain 16 An t-Ògmhios, chaidh a’ chlann ann an Clas 4-6 aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr dhan choille aig Beul an Atha. An toiseach, chaidh sinn dhan Ghàrradh Choimhearsnachd airson beagan measan is glasraich fhaighinn. Gu mi-fhortanach, air sgàth an droch aimsir, cha robh mòran ri fhaighinn ach fhuair sinn leiteis, chives, radish agus beagan rùbarab.

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‘Boswell and Johnson’

Lochgilphead HS K Cockburn Art and Poet 1Lochgilphead High School senior Art and PDA students working with the poet Ken Cockburn and Graphic artists Nicole Heidtke and Stefan Baumberger on a ‘Boswell and Johnson’ project through Creative Arts Scotland.

The project will continue during the Summer holidays and finished result uploaded in August…………….

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Send My Friend To School.

Strachur Tam Baillie visit 006 SALi pictureOn Wednesday 17th of June, Tam Baillie – the Scottish Commissioner for Children and Young People – came to visit Strachur Primary School. Primary 4/5 asked him to come to our school because they have been doing a very interesting topic on the ‘Rights of The Child’ and learning about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child (UNCRC).

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DGS Grangemouth Success

DGS Grangemouth SuccessOn the 3rd of June 2015 some pupils from Dunoon Grammar School took part in Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics tournament in Grangemouth. Competitors from all over the country gather to race against each other. This is the fifth time that DGS pupils have participated.
Each competitor had three events which included 60m, 100m, shot putt, standing long jump and running long jump. The day was bright, windy and cold and perfect for competing. Continue reading DGS Grangemouth Success

Roots of Empathy

Rosneath Roots of Empathy 1This session, 21 pupils from Primary 2/3 have been involved in an exciting new initiative called Roots of Empathy. Throughout the year there have been weekly visits from the instructor Jane McLean, School Nurse and every two weeks a visit from a mother and baby, Kathy and Hamish.
Roots of Empathy is an innovative program teaching pupils valuable lessons while fostering a more nurturing and caring environment in the classroom.
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Cardross Primary 7 in the Spotlight!

Cardross Oscar 4On Thursday the 4th of June we had our Oscar Night at the Roslea Hall Hotel in Rhu. This was to celebrate the success of our Homunculi Movies which we made in our class with the help of our teacher Miss Travers. We worked with the psychologists Dr Greig and Amy to find out more about what to do if you are worried about something. Homunculi are tiny people inside your head who help you to function, solve problems and help you with your worries.

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Kirn P3 visit Western Ferries

Kirn PS wester ferries 1As part of their Seaside topic, P3 visited Western Ferries to learn about how these big boats work, and visited the beach.

Lots of us have been on Western Ferries to go ‘across the water’, but we don’t normally see the huge engines and all the machinery in the engine room at the bottom of the boat, or the control room where the captain sits right up at the top! We also saw how someone would be rescued if they fell overboard. Continue reading Kirn P3 visit Western Ferries

Kirn’s ELCC Head Outdoors

Kirn ELCC 1Over the past three weeks, we have been meeting each Friday morning at Scabby Knowe, near to Kirn School for Outdoor Learning with some of our parents and also some of the Childcare students from Dunoon Grammar School. Each week we planned what we would do when we arrived next time.

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Minard’s annual Duck Derby is a great success!

Minard and Furnace children at the Duck DerbyMinard held their annual Duck Derby on Friday the 29th. Thankfully the weather held while the races were on. There were 17 races with 20 ducks per race. The winners of each race then took part in the grand final! The prize, lunch for two at the George Hotel, was won by Heather Miller and the runner-up was Adam Barclay. He won a £30 voucher for Dewars store in Inveraray.

Furnace children joined them for the afternoon.
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Primary 6/7 Election Campaign

RPS Election Campaign 1Primary 6/7 at Rothesay Primary School have been working on a top secret challenge over the past few weeks. They have been receiving challenges and tasks from a secret organisation called MSB – Making Scotland Better. These tasks were to encourage the class to learn about elections and Scottish Parliament, to work with the local community to identify areas of Bute they wished to improve or change and to set up political parties to get these changes put in place.

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Visit to the newly opened Atlantic Islands Centre

Luing PS Atlantic Ilsand CentreThe Atlantic Islands Centre on the Isle of Luing was open to visitors for the first time on Monday 25th May. Ukulele Luing – all the pupils from Luing Primary School – visited the centre and held a rehearsal (much to the delight of other visitors) of their performance for the official opening ceremony on 13th June. The children then had a wonderful time exploring the centre and were thrilled to recognise many friends and relatives in the interesting display by Luing Historical Society.

Garelochhead PS, proud winners of the Golf Trophy!

Garelochhead Golf PresentationLast term, one of the Golf professionals from Helensburgh Golf Club, Matt Burt, gave golf lessons to P6/5 children at Garelochhead Primary School. This course was part of the Active Schools initiative using amenities in the area to get children more involved in sport. On Good Friday, five of the children who took part in the lessons went to Helensburgh Golf Club to participate in a fun golf competition against some other local schools. They had to show off the skills they had learned by scoring points while putting, chipping and hitting golf balls at targets.

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Dunoon Primary School showcase ‘Project Spark’ and ‘Vex IQ’ Robotics

DPS Project Spark 1At the Technology Showcase event at Dunoon Grammar School on Saturday 23rd May, pupils from Dunoon Primary School showcased a new powerful coding game called Project Spark. Using this software, children are able to build and play on their own worlds, stories and games.

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The Sunshine Room Nurture Group Farm Visit

Parklands Farm 1The Sunshine Room Nurture Group from Parklands School have been reading the novel Charlotte’s Web, to find out more about life on a farm they visited Mid Auchencarroch Farm in Jamestown. They met John the farmer who told them what life was like living and working on a farm, they got to meet a calf that was born only the day before and they learned about how to care for lambs. Continue reading The Sunshine Room Nurture Group Farm Visit

Outdoor Learning – Community and Parent Links at St. Joseph’s!

St Jospehs PS Outdoor Learning 1Outdoor Learning has really taken off at St. Joseph’s! Whilst Mrs Thomson and Mrs Savage have been leading developments in the school with Ross, the Pre-5 staff have linked the parental ‘Fun First Fridays’ with outdoor learning, allowing the parents to work and read with their children outdoors. Such is the commitment of the staff to continue to improve this aspect of learning; they are determined not to let the weather stop them.

Continue reading Outdoor Learning – Community and Parent Links at St. Joseph’s!

Book of the Month

Rothesay PS Book of the Month 1Primary 1 and 2 at Rothesay Primary have been working with Patricia McArthur from Rothesay Library and Shiona Lawson, who works in our school Resource Centre. Patricia brings in a copy of our ‘book of the month’ for each pupil and with Shiona, tells the stories through arts and craft activities that the pupils can do in school and at home.
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