Cardross Primary 7 in the Spotlight!

Cardross Oscar 4On Thursday the 4th of June we had our Oscar Night at the Roslea Hall Hotel in Rhu. This was to celebrate the success of our Homunculi Movies which we made in our class with the help of our teacher Miss Travers. We worked with the psychologists Dr Greig and Amy to find out more about what to do if you are worried about something. Homunculi are tiny people inside your head who help you to function, solve problems and help you with your worries.

Cardross Oscar 3The night was brilliant because there was a celebrity there and we got our own Oscar statue to keep. We came all dressed up in our fancy clothes and sat at tables in our production groups. It was fantastic and our parents are very proud of our achievements!

Cardross Oscar 2Cardross Oscar 1

Therewere different awards for each group including; Best Actors, Best Comedy Performances, Best Homunculi, Best Special Effects etc. Some of us were even lucky enough to get an autograph and photo with the celebrity Jenni Keenan-Green who is currently starring in World’s End on CBBC. Loads of selfies were taken and everyone had a fab night! It was awesome!

By Aysha & Emily
Primary 7
Cardross Primary School

2 thoughts on “Cardross Primary 7 in the Spotlight!

  1. I had heard of the Homunculi before but didn’t really know much about them. It’s made me go and find out some more about them. Well done Cardross!

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