Primary 6/7 at Port Ellen were learning about renewable energy and wave power and decided that we would make wave power devices for the Junior Saltire Awards. These awards are open to schools around Scotland who want to design and build their own wave powered electricity generating devices. As we already have lots of Marine renewables on Islay, with the Limpet in Portnahaven and the new tidal generator planned for the sound of Jura, we thought we should have a go.


St Joseph’s lift the Challenge Cup!

Excitement ran high on Thursday 24 May when a number of local schools put forward a team to play for the local ‘Challenge Cup’ with the P6 & P7 boys of St. Joseph’s Primary School bringing home the trophy. The final game was a 2-1 win for the team with Robbie Livingston setting up the school to claim victory with the first of 2 goals. However, the winning goal came in the last few minutes of the game when Ben Malone placed the ball firmly in the back of the net.

Continue reading St Joseph’s lift the Challenge Cup!

Ulva School make Flowers in the Forest

The children and staff from Ulva Primary School had a brilliant time making big flowers and ‘planting’ them in the woodland at Calgary Art in Nature.
We were pleased to see the sun was shining on Friday as we headed off to Calgary with our waterproofs packed in our bags. When we arrived we met Symon and Kim from Vision Mechanics who were going to show us how to make the flowers. We had a lovely walk around the woodland looking at the Giant Heads and the other sculptures in the Forest.

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Samba at St. Joseph’s

Friday 17 May was a fantastic day at St. Joseph’s with P6 having their first of three lessons on ‘Samba Drumming’. So good was P6 on their first day of lessons that Ms England (drumming teacher) commented on the speed of their progress. It was such a beautiful day that Ms England took the children outside to practise their drumming. That, in turn, brought out the whole school as Ms Collins invited everyone to enjoy the session and join in with some dancing.

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Rothesay World Record Postcard Event.

Rothesay World Record Postcard Event.
Please participate in this event along with the pupils from Kilmodan Primary (and many others!) who produced these beautiful postcards pictured here.
The address to send your postcard to is:
19, Montague street,
Isle of Bute Continue reading Rothesay World Record Postcard Event.

Port Ellen Pre 5 Unit, Our Lighthouse Topic

Port Ellen Pre 5 unit have thoroughly enjoyed their Lighthouse topic. The topic was based on the well known book The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage. The topic was packed with numerous learning opportunities. The children planned and build their own lighthouse, they enjoyed making lunch for each other in their very own Mrs Grinling’s kitchen, we planned and built seagull proof picnic baskets and many more fun activities.

Continue reading Port Ellen Pre 5 Unit, Our Lighthouse Topic

iCycle training at St Joseph’s Primary

Parents are leading the way at St. Joseph’s in iCycle training. A group of parents: Mrs O’Hara, Mrs Russell, Mrs Moy and Mrs Greig have been involved in ably instructing the P6 children in the practical aspects of the programme whilst staff have looked on and learned. The teaching staff have approached the theory of iCycle training in class sessions with a fine balance of practical skills being taught mainly by previously trained parents.

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Victoria Postcard Project

This project is part of the Rothesay Town Heritage Initiative, celebrating Rothesay’s Victorian past. Argyll and Bute Primary children from Kilmodan, St Mun’s, Toward, North Bute and St Andrew’s have already been participating during May. This has involved interdisciplinary activities such as using traditional, Victorian style dip pens and ink, drawing and writing postcards, and, some ‘pop up history’ from a Victorian visitor from Rothesay in the year 1887.

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Lismore Primary School: Healthy Body Week 13th to 17th May

The week started with a food themed day. The children found out about the different food groups that are necessary for a balanced diet. With the help of Hazel, each child made a healthy smoothie for their snack from a wide variety of different fruits including pineapple, mango raspberries and strawberries. Hazel also introduced a new salad bar at lunchtime where the children could try out different salad vegetables.

Continue reading Lismore Primary School: Healthy Body Week 13th to 17th May

Rothesay Primary Sleepover raises £1,917.50!

Pupils from Primary 4-7 of Rothesay Primary School took part in a 12 hour sponsored lock in at their school! Activities on offer were: a nail salon, cupcake decorating, a hair salon, football on the astro, SingStar in the GP Room, pancake making in the Home Ec department, trampolining, table tennis, computer suite and arts & crafts. We watched a film on the big screen in the assembly hall together before heading to bed – in the classrooms!

Continue reading Rothesay Primary Sleepover raises £1,917.50!


Rockfield Primary School entered two teams, a P7 and under and a P5 and under, into the Scottish Primary Team Chess Chamionship, held this year in the Ballerup Hall, East Kilbride on Sunday 19th May.
This competition involves most of the leading chess playing schools in Scotland with teams coming from all over the country. Many of these schools have a very long tradition of playing chess.

Continue reading PRIMARY TEAM CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 – 2013

Innellan Primary Health Week

Week beginning 13th May saw the start of Innellan Primary School’s Health Week. This was to be a week of very exciting opportunities and a chance to learn about health matters.
On Monday 13th May the pupils all went to The Velvet Path Trekking Centre. The children all got the chance to ride a pony and had a tour of the Centre.
Tuesday 14th May saw the pupils learning about Golf!
Continue reading Innellan Primary Health Week

Christian Aid Football Tournament

On Monday 13th May the annual Christian Aid football tournament took place at Hermitage Academy. Schools from Helensburgh and the local area took place in, what was to be, a very wet football tournament. The Hermitage football team were competing for the first time since the National Finals in which they managed to come 3rd in the whole of Scotland. Their first game was against Cardross which Hermitage won 3-1. They followed this with another two impressive results against Lomond and JLB winning 5-0 and 7-0.
Continue reading Christian Aid Football Tournament

Barcaldine Keeping Scotland Tidy

Barcaldine Primary School went along to Sutherland’s Grove to take part in the National Clean Up Scotland initiative. The children enjoyed the glorious weather to delve into the forest in search of rubbish! We were very pleased with our fairly empty black bags – the forest was very clean!! We did manage to find one peculiar piece of rubbish as one pupil seems to do every year – a rolled piece of tin!

Disastrous Dining!

As part of our book study on ‘Billionaire Boy’ by David Walliams we had to organise, plan and help cook a themed lunch. We were making this lunch because in the book there is a character called Mrs Traffe. She is the school cook and makes horrid lunches like wasp soup, gerbils on toast, hair lasagne, brick cutlet, deep-fried cardboard and sweet cake.

Continue reading Disastrous Dining!

Pirate Day’ at Dalintober Primary

A special ‘Pirate Themed Day’ for pupils in Pre-5, Primary 1, Primary 1/2 and Primary 2 of Dalintober Primary School was a huge success! This followed an Active-Learning based IDT which saw pupils using literacy, numeracy, social studies and expressive arts skills to explore the world of pirates. Pupils and staff enjoyed dressing up as pirates for the day, talking like pirates and participating in activities like ‘Walking The Plank!’ and ‘Pin The Patch On The Pirate’ – a great celebratory outcome of a fun learning topic!

Continue reading Pirate Day’ at Dalintober Primary

The Beaver Academy

Ashfield Primary have been working alongside Oly Hemmings from the Scottish Beaver Trial to develop the links between the school and the beaver project. As the local school to the trial site, pupils, parents and staff were keen to make the most of this fantastic resource. The pupils have been guinea pigs for a new workshop being developed and have recently visited the trial site to view the beaver dam. The pupils are now the proud adoptive parents of Millie the beaver and will be following her progress as time goes on.

Continue reading The Beaver Academy

Come and Play Week at the Stramash Outdoor Nursery

It’s been a busy week at the Stramash Outdoor Nursery, with over 60 parents and carers joining the children in the great outdoors. Lots of seeds and flowers have been planted, as well as making flower pots out of recycled cans. Parents have been involved in storytelling and some have even been climbing the trees with the children and making mud stew in their outdoor kitchen.

Continue reading Come and Play Week at the Stramash Outdoor Nursery

“Magic at Tarbert Academy”

Tarbert Academy nursery and P1/2 children have been working together on a “Fairyland” topic. This is being used as transition for the nursery children as they have been spending Wednesday mornings with their new teacher and her class.
They have all been very busy helping the dragon to build Fairyland. The dragon sent some magic beans which the children planted.  The beans grew and grew and the beanstalks are quite tall now.

Continue reading “Magic at Tarbert Academy”