Dunoon Primary Celebrate the International Year of Light

DPS Glow in the Dark Science 2Dunoon Primary Celebrate the International Year of Light The reallysmallscience group, from Strathclyde University, helped pupils at Dunoon Primary to celebrate the International Year of Light 2015.
Classes took part in ‘nanoglow’ fluorescent workshops to learn why light is so important and discover natural and everyday items that glow. Pupils then used invisible ink pens to write secret messages and produce their very own glowing artwork.
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Bowmore is ‘Greentastic’!

Bowmore 4th Green FlagBowmore Primary have done it again! By hard work and dedication, we have earned our fourth Green Flag as an eco-school! Not only do we maintain our eco way of life by litter-picking, saving energy, composting peelings and running a healthy tuck, we have made time to improve our school grounds. Our raised beds and rockery are now well established and used to their full potential.

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Rosneath Cross Country 1On Saturday 18th April in the grounds of Kirkcaldy High School, Fife, Team Rosneath joined 1,000 other P6 and P7 pupils for the 28th Annual Cross Country Championships. What a hard course, what a challenge but our athletes ALL crossed that all important Finish Line!

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Leading The Way In STEM Subjects

St Muns STEMPupils of Primary 7 at St. Mun’s returned to school after the Easter break to some very exciting news.
Having completed and sent off their designs for the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM 2014/15 where they had been challenged to interpret the question “If you were an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?” the children were delighted to hear back from the organisers of the competition.
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St Mun’s Primary School – Sci-Ku Success For Murrin

St Muns Murrin successSci-Ku Success For Murrin
The Edinburgh International Science Festival is an educational charity, which aims to encourage people to discover the wonder of the world around them. The Reading Experiment, run in conjunction with the annual festival, aims to unite the worlds of science and words by encouraging children to delve into science writing.

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Legion Scotland Primary Schools Competition 2014/15 – Stories of WWI’s Families

Port Ellen tuscania loganBoth Kilniver and Port Ellen Primary School are through to the voting stage of the Scottish Legion story writing and photo competition. Schools who entered this competition investigated how the outbreak of World War One impacted on the families in their local communities and the effect that it had on the day-to-day lives around them. Ten children from the winning school will receive a unique VIP experience at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo!

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St. Joseph’s Scoop the Double…….Again!

St Joes Young Writers 1St. Joseph’s recently had a visit from Adam Muggoch and Jack Rudram of Helensburgh Rotary Club who came along to school to present prizes in the local Young Writer’s Competition. Lucy and Nelle had taken first and second place respectively in their category by writing a piece on the topic ‘ Light up the Community’. Nelle wrote a piece around family inspiring you and Lucy’s piece described how the Helensburgh foodbank brought light into the life of the community.

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A feast of Local Foods at Salen Primary Health Day

Health Day Salen PS2Primary 6 pupils from Salen, Lochdonhead and Ulva Primary schools treated all staff and pupils to a lunch of locally produced food as the highlight of Health Day where the theme was Healthy Eating. They took over the school kitchen for the morning and, under the guidance of sous chef Michael Shannon from the Western Isles Hotel, assisted by Iona, and Eilidh and Debbie from the school kitchen, they prepared and served a feast of wonderful Mull produce which had been kindly donated by local producers.
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Dalintober Gets messy

SAL MESSY CHURCH COURIERPrimary 5 at Dalintober had their very own Messy Church at Lorne and Lowland Church. Rachael, Marie and Jean had organised lots of interesting activities to link with the topic of Easter. A puppet helped to tell us the story of Easter, while vigourous movement was needed to join in the songs. This was followed by a variety of messy crafts plus an egg hunt. Finally, everybody sat together to enjoy lunch and a chat about the morning’s Messy Church.

Pizza Perfection at Rhunahaorine

Runahaorine PS Pizza 1Children at Rhunahaorine have been exploring ways of creating healthy, tasty pizzas using fresh ingredients. We have been developing our skills for learning, life and work.
First we learned about basic food hygiene.
Next we baked and tasted several different pizza base recipes and judged them on the criteria of cost, healthiness, appearance and taste.

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John Logie Baird Primary and Pre-five Unit wore blue for the day!

JLB Autism 1John Logie Baird Primary and Pre-five Unit raised awareness of autism by wearing blue. We have been celebrating differences in our assemblies and through our Achievements Tree so we were delighted to take part in Autism Awareness Day on Thursday 2nd of April. Our uniform is blue so it suited us down to the ground and all of our wonderful staff made a huge effort to wear blue!

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Parents Open Evening at Strone Primary School

Strone PS Parents Evening 1 April 2015Last Thursday, Parents of Strone Primary School were invited to attend our Open Learning Evening, where pupils had a chance to show off their learning this term. As a culmination of this term’s Tuesday Afternoon Skills Clubs, Parents were treated to delicious Rocky Road and Fruit Kebabs prepared by the Cooking Club, a guided tour of our Pop Art Gallery by the pupils involved in the Art Club, and they were also able to see examples of work displayed by the Science and Technology and Music Clubs.

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Easter benefit for SCIAF at St. Joseph’s!

St Joes Easter 1The generous pupils at St. Joseph’s managed to raise £330 for their nominated Lenten charity SCIAF this week. Staff bought prizes for a children’s raffle with all proceeds intended for a charity close to the hearts of the whole school family: The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund. With the government’s pledge to double any donations to SCIAF before May 2015, these funds are now guaranteed to mean a £660 donation for the charity.

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Spring Tea at Garelochhead PS

Garelochhead PS Spring Tea1Yesterday, families and friends of Garelochhead PS were treated to tea, coffee and biscuits to celebrate the start of British summer time. Lots of people turned up and were entertained during the event with songs from all the classes and an Easter ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ created by P7. Although the winner didn’t get a million pounds, they did receive some homemade Millionaire’s shortbread.

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Beach Science – Innellan and Toward Primary Schools take the learning outdoors

Innellan and Toward Beach 1Through active learning, developing their problem solving skills and using relevant contexts the pupils at Innellan and Toward Primaries have been involved in a range of open-ended experiences and investigations which have generated new knowledge and greater understanding of the world in which they live.

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St. Mun’s Explore The Rainforest…. In Cornwall

St Muns Eden 3After scooping the coveted Eden Award, at the Rolls Royce Science Awards, held at the Science Centre in London, last November, with their Biodiversity project entitled ‘If You Go Down In The Woods Today’, the children of Primary 7, along with their teacher, set about planning the 1,100 mile round trip visit to The Eden Project, St. Austell in Cornwall.

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Primary 7s at St. Mun’s Show Off Their Inventions

St Muns STEM  1The pupils of St. Mun’s Primary have just completed their designs ahead of the deadline for the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM 2014/15. The Awards challenged Primary and Secondary school pupils across Scotland to research and interview inspiring engineers, providing them with a fantastic opportunity to engage with real engineers who could convey the importance of STEM in their daily working lives.

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St. Joseph’s a Winner at Showing Racism the Red Card!

St Josephs RED CARD 1Nicholas, a P6 pupil at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh recently attended Hampden Park with his mum and teacher, Miss Trainer for the winner’s day out following the ‘Show Racism Red Card Competition’. Show Racism the Red Card (Scotland) is a charity that promotes anti-racism through education. The aim of their campaign is to combat racism through education and the use of footballers as role models.

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