Dunoon Primary School Learning Centre – Circus Skills Workshop

As part of our topic, “The Circus is in Town”, pupils from Dunoon Primary School Learning Centre had the opportunity to visit Dunoon Grammar School today where one of their Drama teachers, Mr Pearson, organise a circus skills workshop.

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Argyll school submits winning garden design

Easdale Primary School pupils picked as winners of Keep Scotland Beautiful competition.
Environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful, has announced that pupils from Easdale Primary School have been selected as winners of the nationwide competition to Design a One Planet Picnic Pocket Garden – which will see them now bring their creations to life for display at the Gardening Scotland exhibition in Edinburgh this June.

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Southend Primary – Tufty Club Visit

The Southend Tufty Club came on their second visit to the school, this time to hear the children perform their work on Robert Burns.   

After tea, coffee and shortbread, made by the children, the ladies worked alongside the children helping with their art lesson. 

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Southend Primary School – Burns Bash

Southend Primary School held a Burns Lunch to celebrate the Baird.

The lunch was extended to the children’s family, friends and wider Southend Community.

The lunch was chaired by one of the 20 guests, Mr. Robert Millar.

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Sandbank Primary celebrates all things Scottish

The upper school classes at Sandbank Primary treated guests to an afternoon of Scottish celebrations last week. The Gaelic P 4-7, P5 and P6/7 classes joined forces to wow the audience with an array of performances, including bag pipes, fiddle, drums, piano, chanter, poetry recitals and highland dancing.
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Arinagour Glasgow Trip!

The pupils were involved in planning and organising this trip to Glasgow where they had opportunities to experience an environment very different to their own.

The children had contextualised opportunities to develop skills for learning, life and work which were tailored to their particular needs. There were also opportunities to develop literacy, numeracy and health and well-being, in particular the use of money and telling the time.
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Glenbarr Primary School’s Burns Lunch

Glenbarr Primary School welcomed families and friends to a Burns lunch on Tuesday, 30th January. The children had made tartan-inspired place mats, non-alcoholic Cranachan, and shortbread for their guests. The pupils entertained their visitors with poems, songs and tunes using ocarinas, recorders and bells. A good time was had by all!
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Outdoor Maths Session!

Furnace Primary 4 boys came along to Minard Primary School to join in an outdoor Maths session.  The subject was angles and the boys searched the grounds recording the different types of angles they found in the most unusual and unexpected places. They looked for right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles and straight angles writing them down on a tally sheet.
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Rockfield P1, ELCC and Sgoil-Araich Early Level Family Disco

The nursery parent group planned and hosted their first ever disco for the children who are at the Early level. It was extremely well attended by the children and their families and it was a wonderful success.  Local DJ, George Noble, kept the dancing going with his wonderful selection of music.  A huge number of P6 children volunteered to be buddies and led the dancing, helped serve juice and a biscuit and were fantastic at tidying up at the end.  Overall there was great excitement and the children would now like a disco every week!
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Drumlemble Pre 5s Unit – Celebration of Robert Burns

The children of the Drumlemble Pre5 unit have had a fun filled week listening to Scottish music, learning a Robert Burn’s poem ‘The wee rid car’, designing their own tartan kilts and making thistles.

They also made traditional Scottish shortbread to have for snack
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Drumlemble Primary – Burns Poetry Competition

Drumlemble Primary held a Poetry Competition in honor of Robert Burns day.   The competition proved to be a fabulous event, with the children all trying extremely hard to master the Scots language whilst reciting a Scottish poem!  Parents and teachers had the difficult task of choosing winners.   The children were judged by the teachers on eye contact, diction, expression, volume and recital.   The event was completed with some Scottish dancing which the parents were invited to join in and a rendition of Auld Lang Sang
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Arinagour Primary Burns Supper

Pupils at Arinagour Primary School had their annual Burns’ Supper at the Island Café on Thursday. The pupils entertained their audience with speeches, songs, poems and a Highland Fling.

This year the children also played ukuleles, recorder and fiddle

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YDance comes to Dunoon Primary!

 YDance (Scottish Youth Dance) is the national dance organisation for children and young people in Scotland.

Their vision is to offer every child and young person in Scotland the opportunity to realise their potential as individuals through dance. Dunoon Primary School
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Rockfield Reaches in to the past

Pupils in Primary 6 and Primary 7 in Rockfield Primary have recently been involved in a very exciting project which sees them work in partnership with Scotland’s Urban Past, a flagship Historic Environment  Scotland community engagement project, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). This project will see Scotland’s Urban Past work in partnership with Oban TSI (Third Sector Interface)and Rockfield Primary to provide oral history training, filming and story boarding training which will enable the pupils to interview older members of the community about growing up in Oban. These interviews and story boarding ideas will be collected and used to create a film. Watch out for the premiere at a cinema near you!
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Burns Bash

To celebrate Robert Burns Day, pupils from Primary 3 and Primary 3/4 held a Burns Bash in their Upstairs Open Area. This consisted of a Baking stall, Bric-a-brac and a café where children enjoyed shortbread and juice.

Chanter music and highland dancing was enjoyed by the visiting classes while they sat in the café.
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Astronomy Outreach

 Astronomy for Remote and Island Schools came to Bunessan Primary this week.   They ran workshops for the children all day and then stayed on for a Community event in the evening.  It was great to have real astrophysicists/astronomers in school at the start of lots of work we are going to do this term on Space.  The whole school was buzzing with energy and excitement as the children worked with real scientists covering a huge range of subjects, including Earth, Sun and Moon, the Solar System, Constellations and the Nature of Light.

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Building Site Construction Committee

Dunoon Primary now has a Building Construction Safety Committee who are meeting on a regular basis to ensure a high standard of building safety is maintained in our school. The delighted pupils were presented with a high vis vest, a hard hat and safety goggles.

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Festive Foodbank Collection

Enterprising Primary 6 pupils at Rhu put their digital heads together and came up with a charitable and eco-friendly plan to support the Helensburgh Foodbank at Christmas time. The children collected a total of 305 items in just two weeks by establishing their Christmas-e-Greetings company in the school. The scheme involved pupils buying a digital greeting card which was displayed on the TV’s in the foyer and hall during December.  Instead of exchanging money for the greeting, the pupils brought in items of food for the foodbank.