Category Archives: Baking

Achahoish report from Auchindrain museum

We went to Auchindrain Museum to see the houses and how people lived in the olden days because our school topic is Our Heritage.
We saw the new house which is already about 75years old! The owner of Auchindrain is called Catty Cat and he looks after Auchindrain. (He is a cat)
We had a look at the Wise woman’s house – she made people better by using herbs and some poisonous plants, but by using a little bit of them it made people better.
The word for Wise woman and old lady is the same in Gaelic and it means witch.
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Southend Primary – Tufty Club Visit

The Southend Tufty Club came on their second visit to the school, this time to hear the children perform their work on Robert Burns.   

After tea, coffee and shortbread, made by the children, the ladies worked alongside the children helping with their art lesson. 

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Glenbarr Primary School’s Burns Lunch

Glenbarr Primary School welcomed families and friends to a Burns lunch on Tuesday, 30th January. The children had made tartan-inspired place mats, non-alcoholic Cranachan, and shortbread for their guests. The pupils entertained their visitors with poems, songs and tunes using ocarinas, recorders and bells. A good time was had by all!
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Drumlemble Pre 5s Unit – Celebration of Robert Burns

The children of the Drumlemble Pre5 unit have had a fun filled week listening to Scottish music, learning a Robert Burn’s poem ‘The wee rid car’, designing their own tartan kilts and making thistles.

They also made traditional Scottish shortbread to have for snack
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Bring and Buy Sale

The children of Drumlemble Pupil Council decided that they wanted to raise money for the victims of recent Hurricanes.  They researched this and decided that buying Gerry Cans was the best idea.  After discussions with their classmates, they came up with the idea of running a Bring and Buy Sale.  In addition to the toys, games and books, one of the children had baked cakes which were sold as well.

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