Category Archives: Poetry

Kilchattan School’s young poets are getting published.

The pupils of Kilchattan School have been working very hard on their creative writing skills and have produced lots of interesting work. The topic this term was poetry so they thought they would have a go at entering the Young Writers “Little Riddlers” and “Rhymecraft” Poetry competitions. They were all very excited to learn that all 5 of their poems are going to get published. Well done all!

Southend Primary School – Burns Bash

Southend Primary School held a Burns Lunch to celebrate the Baird.

The lunch was extended to the children’s family, friends and wider Southend Community.

The lunch was chaired by one of the 20 guests, Mr. Robert Millar.

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Drumlemble Primary – Burns Poetry Competition

Drumlemble Primary held a Poetry Competition in honor of Robert Burns day.   The competition proved to be a fabulous event, with the children all trying extremely hard to master the Scots language whilst reciting a Scottish poem!  Parents and teachers had the difficult task of choosing winners.   The children were judged by the teachers on eye contact, diction, expression, volume and recital.   The event was completed with some Scottish dancing which the parents were invited to join in and a rendition of Auld Lang Sang
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