Category Archives: Physical Education

St Andrew’s Primary – Junior Award Scheme for Schools

JASS is our award for our young people. This award is progressive, with increasing commitment, learning and challenge at each level and all our children are taking part in this scheme. Parents, staff and pupils alike look forward to their Friday JASS sessions covering the four sections – My Interests; Get Active, Stay Active; Me and My World and Adventure. JASS is fully inclusive and our children have developed greater self confidence, self assuredness and (most importantly) enjoyment!

Super Staff at North Bute Primary!

Everyone at North Bute Primary is very proud of Mrs McFarlane and Mrs Santos who completed the Great Scottish Run to raise money to help kit out our new Science Classroom and launch the boat that we have been making in partnership with the local boat yard.

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Castlehill Primary School – Fun Run for Sport Relief

Pupils from Castlehill Primary School took part in their daily mile on Friday 23rd March. All the classes from Primary 1 to Primary 7 ran, walked or jogged together around the school in aid of Sport Relief. It was great fun and at the end the children enjoyed fruit donated by Tesco. A big thank you to them for providing this fruit for the whole school.

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Rugby with Furnace and Achahoish.

On Tuesday March 13th Minard school teamed up with Furnace and Achahois Primary schools for a joint rugby training session at Achahoish school with Allan. The pupils continued their introduction to the skill of rugby started at a similar session in the autumn at Furnace with tag rugby. The children all enjoyed the day especially the lunch J

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YDance comes to Dunoon Primary!

 YDance (Scottish Youth Dance) is the national dance organisation for children and young people in Scotland.

Their vision is to offer every child and young person in Scotland the opportunity to realise their potential as individuals through dance. Dunoon Primary School
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Strictly Rockfield!

Primary 6 and Primary 7 have been learning a whole range of Scottish ceilidh dances this term. The culmination of this work was twofold, a wonderful ceilidh last night and then this morning a whole school Strictly dancing competition, complete with judges! Both events were wonderful!

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Children from Campbeltown Nursery Centre have been introduced to ‘The World of Golf! ‘

Over recent weeks children from Campbeltown Nursery Centre have been travelling by bus to visit Machrihanish Golf Club where they have enjoyed participating in golf lessons with Jennie Dunn, PGA of Germany Head Professional, who is based at the Club.

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Rugby Session at Minard, Furnace and Achahoish!

Minard, Furnace and Achahoish schools joined together at Furnace Primary school for a fabulous rugby session led by Allan Wright. The weather was wonderful, the children were amazing and the midges were nowhere to be seen. A great afternoon of sport and socialising for the three schools.

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Port Charlotte Primary has been recognised with a prestigious national award for innovation and achievement in delivering physical education and extra-curricular sport. Our school has achieved the sportscotland Silver School Sport Award for our commitment to engaging all pupils in sporting activity. It’s great that we have been awarded the sportscotland Silver School Sport Award. Our staff work incredibly hard to deliver a range of physical education and well done to the children for their continued participation in physical activity and sport which are important factors in the school curriculum.