Dalintober PS & ELC are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a Gold Sportscotland Award – only 1 of 3 schools in Argyll & Bute to hold this status. We would like to thank every single one of our pupils, staff and parents for their efforts and enthusiasm in taking this forward; all partner and volunteer coaches, instructors and specialists who support the school in establishing and recognising sports across the curriculum and as extra-curricular activities and wider achievements
– particularly Mrs Ramsay of Active Schools, who provided invaluable advice and guidance through this process; our exceptional Sports Council who represent their own and the views of their peers so well and last, but certainly not least, the fantastic Mrs McSporran – who has invested so much of her own time and energy in driving this initiative forward, planning and implementing change with great commitment and leading us to this recognition of excellence. THANK YOU, ALL!!