Perfect Picnic Winners – Luss

Luss PS Perfect picnicThe children from Luss Primary recently took part in the ACT (Argyll & The Isles Coast & Countryside Trust) “Perfect Picnic Competition” and were awarded a cheque for £100 for their ideas on how their Perfect Picnic site would look. They have been getting the garden ready and will spend the money on things like bird tables, a pop up tent and a parasol to complement the existing picnic benches. They are looking forward to next summer when they will be able to have picnics in the garden.

Rotary Club Young Photographer Competition Winner from Luss!

Luss PS Rotary Club Young Photographer WinnerSavannah, P7, from Luss Primary recently received her certificate and prize from Mr Muggoch, of the Helensburgh Branch of the Rotary Club, for her winning entry in the West of Scotland District round of the Rotary Club Young Photographer competition. She had already won the Local round of the competition in her category which qualified her for the District round. Well done!

Rothesay Joint Campus fundraiser for RNLI

Rothesay PS RNLI FundraiserPrimary 5/4 at Rothesay Joint Campus held a very successful sale for the RNLI on Friday 23rd October. They raised a whopping £540 for this wonderful organisation.
To prepare for the sale, they learned about the RNLI by going to the Tighnabruiach lifeboat station and meeting the volunteers there. It was great fun going on the B-class rib. They also practised their money skills and customer service skills before the big day.

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Achahoish LETTER FROM THE QUEEN 2The children at Achahoish P.S. wrote and drew about the very funny book, ‘The Queen’s Knickers.’ As the children had heard that Her Majesty the Queen is now our longest ever reining monarch, they thought she would like to receive their letters and drawings as a little gift to mark this special moment in history.


Strone Primary Make Food Donation

Strone PS Food bankTo celebrate Harvest time, Strone’s P5-7 class organised a Harvest Assembly for the school. Parents were invited to come along and bring a donation of food, which the children decided to donate to the Cowal Food Bank. The children had a fantastic response to this request, and last week P5-7 Class Teacher Fiona Maclean, Classroom Assistant Dorothy Brayshaw, and four Strone pupils visited the Cowal Food Bank on Kirk Street, to deliver our donations to staff member Jim Elsby.

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Tesco Campbeltown Apple Donation to Dalintober PS

Dalintober Tesco ApplesTesco Campbeltown Donate Hallowe’en Apples to Dalintober PS
Gavin Lawson, Store Manager of Tesco Campbeltown, kindly donated 300 apples for Dalintober Primary School and ELCC’s upcoming Hallowe’en parties. We are extremely grateful for their generosity and look forward to working with the store and team in future school and community projects.

Bowmore Rocks!

Bowmore rock n roll skool 3Once again our wonderful Kitchen Ladies put on a spectacular themed lunch for us – our hall and kitchen were transformed into an American diner. Cadillacs, jukeboxes as well as records adorned our walls as we sat down to enjoy our meal together.
On the menu, there were burgers, hotdogs, cream sodas as well as some amazing ‘ice-cream’ cones which were made out of cones and butter icing – no melted ice-cream for us!

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Dunoon Primary School Nepal Appeal

Dunoon PS Nepal appealWhen last year’s p4 in Dunoon Primary heard of the shocking devastation following the earthquakes in Nepal, they were determined to do something to help the people, who had suffered such losses in the tragedy. They searched online for information about the country and its people and then looked for ways to help. Their initial concern was the lack of clean water, so they organised a raffle and sent £81.15 to UNICEF, who were providing water in the region. However, the help did not stop there.

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P6 Harvest Tea

Cardross PS Harvest 1On Thursday 8th October P6 Pupils from Cardross Primary organised a super Harvest Tea for the senior citizens in the local area. They were able to pack 27 bags of food to be given at the tea and still had stacks of food left over for Ian Kerr to come and collect for Helensburgh Food Bank.

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Primary Four Harvest Festival Assembly

JLB Harvest 1This term, Primary Four reached out into their local community as part of their learning. They wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the importance that local organisations play in providing the needs of their local community. By investigating the traditions behind Harvest, the children decided to contact Helensburgh and Lomond Foodbank to see how they could help the individuals and families in their community who are not able to fully enjoy the Harvest Festival.

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Harvest Lunch

Bowmore PS Harvest 2Harvest Lunch / Biadh Buain

The children of Primary 3 at Bowmore Primary School along with their parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles have just enjoyed a very tasty Harvest Lunch.
Tha a’ chlann ann an Clas 3 aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr agus am pàrantan, seann-phàrantan is eile air Biadh Buain a ghabhail còmhla.
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Robots in Skipness

Skipness Lego photo compressPupils at Skipness Primary School have been building and programming Legomindstorms robots as part of their Technology IDL. They held a workshop for parents and members of the community where they showed people how to build and programme the robots. They also shared talks and films they had made as well as Comic Strips featuring the robots. A fun afternoon was had by all!

John Muir award success at Kilcreggan Primary School

Kilcreggan John Muir certificatesTen pupils from Kilcreggan primary recently achieved John Muir Discovery awards in recognition of their awareness and responsibility for wild places work. The pupils were all part of an after school club which met weekly last session and undertook various activities in and around the school grounds relating to discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing wild places.

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Blue Kangaroo Mid Argyll Transition Event

Mid Argyll Transiton 2015 2Mid Argyll schools and nurseries came together last week to celebrate their joint transition project , Blue Kangaroo with a very different parents’ night for P1 children. The project provided continuity and progress for children during their transition into P1. The learning started in nursery, with a wide variety of experiences, taking account of the children’s interests and involving parents and grandparents with one grandparent knitting a very special Blue Kangaroo.

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World War One display at Battle of Loos commemoration day exhibition.

Southend WW2 1Pupils at Southend Primary School have been enjoying learning about World War One. Their fantastic model of the trenches, paintings, letters, personal projects, and memorabilia were on display at the Battle of Loos World War One commemoration day exhibition, in the Victoria Hall, Campbeltown, on Saturday 26th September for all to see.

Continue reading World War One display at Battle of Loos commemoration day exhibition.