Tobermory and Tiree High Schools Visit Paris and Ypres

S3/4 students from Tobermory and Tiree High Schools bonded on a recent trip to Paris and Ypres. They spent the day at Euro Disney where Space Mountain was the most popular ride (with students!). All pupils and staff also managed the exhausting climb up the 264 steps of the spiral staircase to the top of the Arc de Triomphe where they had a more unusual view of the Eternal Flame as well as stunning views of the Champs Elysées and the Eiffel Tower. They completed the Paris leg of the trip with a visit to Notre Dame, the Musée d’Orsay and the Stade de France. Continue reading Tobermory and Tiree High Schools Visit Paris and Ypres

Definitions of Creativity

Definitions of Creativity

“Necessity… the mother of invention.” (Plato)
The story of human progress has arguably been a story of inventiveness. Where there was no wheel, there came a wheel. Where there was no printing press there came a printing press. Once there were no schools and then we invented schooling.
How have you been inventive recently? Continue reading Definitions of Creativity

DGS Art Exhibition at Chatters Restaurant, Dunoon

Dunoon Grammar’s Art Department are pleased to present the first summer exhibition of students’ work at Chatters Restaurant, Dunoon running from mid June till August.

The exhibition comprises of work by S2 (ceramic tiles), Intermediate and Higher pupils, with ages ranging from 13 years upwards. The main presentation of work, including jewellery is pieces produced by students as part of their final folio submission for both expressive and design practical activities, reflecting the high standard attained by pupils at the school. Continue reading DGS Art Exhibition at Chatters Restaurant, Dunoon

Colgrain Proudly Receives Social Enterprise Award

On Tuesday 19th of June five pupils from Colgrain Primary School, which is located in Helensburgh, travelled all the way to Edinburgh, on the train to collect an award from the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy. They were presented the award by John Swinney MSP who is the finance secretary. There were 27 other schools there to receive their own Social Enterprise Award. All the schools had something different to show but Colgrain was the only school to open up a stationery shop, called Sharpen, in their school.

Continue reading Colgrain Proudly Receives Social Enterprise Award

“Robert McLaren Memorial Trophy”

On Thursday 21st June Glencruitten Hostel held the annual Robert McLaren memorial football match. Kinlochleven travelled to Oban to play against the Glencruitten Hostel team, a good game was had by all and the hostel boys ensured the trophy stayed with them for the second year running.

The match was held to commemorate the life of Robert McLaren, a former hostel and Oban High School pupil from Kintra, Isle of Mull who lost his life while serving with the Black Watch 3rd Battalion in Afghanistan in 2009. All proceeds from the day were donated to the help for heroes fund.

Port Ellen Go Golfing

On Monday afternoon Primary 4 & 5 were lucky enough to have a trip to the Machrie golf course on Islay to practice their golfing skills. Shona Ramsey had spent the term teaching them to putt, chip and hit the ball in the correct way, but it was so much better to get an opportunity to have a shot on a real golf course. The Machrie is in a beautiful setting right by the sea and it was a very calm and peaceful way to spend the afternoon. Some groups practiced putting with Mrs Clark, some chipping with Shona and some got to have a go on the real course with real clubs with Mr Gairns! Continue reading Port Ellen Go Golfing

Oban Pupils Pay Tribute to Local Heros

From the 10th – 15th June 2012, 40 S4 pupils from Oban High School took part in the school’s annual Battlefields Trip.  The pupils visited a variety of sites associated with the First World War including the best preserved trenches on the Western Front at Sanctuary Wood, near Ypres, the famous Thiepval monument at the Somme and on the last night they attended the Menin Gate ceremony and laid a wreath in memory of those who had died during the Great War.

Continue reading Oban Pupils Pay Tribute to Local Heros

Jubilee Jubilations at Bowmore Primary

Despite being a wee bit late, on Wednesday 13th June, ourwonderful catering staff cooked, baked and created a magnificent buffet – fit for the Queen herself!

As soon as we had sung ‘God Save the Queen’, the children and staff tucked into the most delicious food – smashing sausage rolls, vol-au-vents, coronation chicken, sausages, chicken wings, super sandwiches, scrummy salads and much more.  Tables groaned under the weight of the food!

Continue reading Jubilee Jubilations at Bowmore Primary

Outstanding Mid Argyll Pupils!

Teachers all over Scotland are currently trying to find creative, inspiring and meaningful ways to implement Curriculum for Excellence in their schools.
We all know we want our pupils to be confident, to be effective contributors in their local community, to be responsible citizens who understand the merits of teamwork and successful learners who achieve the highest standards.
Continue reading Outstanding Mid Argyll Pupils!

Recent Enterprise visits at Innellan Primary School

On Monday 18 June 2012 pupils at Innellan Primary School, as part of their Health & Wellbeing “National Smile Month” project activities, were delighted to welcome again our two dental nurses Fiona and Rhona from Dunoon Community Hospital. All P1 – P5 pupils were encouraged to participate in a mini drama session where they were allowed to dress up as a dentist or a dental nurse and carry out a mouth inspection using real dental tools. The excellent “Curriculum for Excellence” workshop concluded with all pupils receiving super “goody bags” which were very gratefully received. Continue reading Recent Enterprise visits at Innellan Primary School

Mr Cuddles’ New Home

There is a new arrival to Kilchrenan Primary’s P1 class, much to delight of one particular pupil.

During the Oban Festival of the Sea, the P1/2 class visited the Hutton Institute’s displays on windpower, the Marine Lab’s exhibition on algae and seaweed, and the land of Japan through the story teller. As part of the event, pupils were asked to suggest a name for a very desirable seal & pup soft.
The winner of the competition was Sarah MacIntyre who received her toy, Mr Cuddles, through the post on Thursday. And yes, we realise that it might be Mrs Cuddles!

We Will Rock You!

Rothesay Joint Campus presents “We Will Rock You”! We performed to a sell-out audience last night (Thursday) and will do so again tonight (Friday)… amazing performances from pupils from Primary 7 to Secondary 6.

Rave reviews! More seats released for tonight! Don’t miss out!
Directed by Julie Henry, Principal Teacher (Primary) and Musical direction by Anthony Spencer.

Continue reading We Will Rock You!

Building bridges between Luing and Easdale Primary Schools

Easdale and Luing school communities are part of the shared head teacher pilot.
The children in the schools both requested an opportunity to work closer with their peer groups. The nursery children took the lead by taking a day out for a Teddy Bears Picnic in the ancient Hazel woods of Kilbrandon that stretch between the two schools. This was followed up with P4-7 joining forces for 3 days away with Stramash taking part in challenging team building activities, forging friendships for future learning opportunities.
These are the first of many steps to work together, learn together and share the two identities of these island schools. Continue reading Building bridges between Luing and Easdale Primary Schools

Olympic Fever! at Lochgilphead Primary

Over the last term Primary 2, 3 and 4 pupils at Lochgilphead Primary School joined together to work in co-operative groups to learn about the Olympics.

The children decided to have an Olympic Games event to celebrate their topic. All the groups worked towards this event by planning, organising and managing the 20 different sports stations. It was a fantastic day and the children were very proud that their hard work produced a successful event!
Continue reading Olympic Fever! at Lochgilphead Primary

Strachur Primary Centenary Celebrations

Strachur Primary is celebrating its centenary this year.
We’ve been learning about the history of the village and enjoyed a walk in the past, suitably dressed in our 1912 outfits, which the Strachur History Society made for us. We also visited Scotland Street Museum. We’re glad we go to school in 2012!
We invited former pupils to share their memories, good and bad, of their days at school and we enjoyed showing them how we learn now. Continue reading Strachur Primary Centenary Celebrations

Diamond jubilee event daffodil tea

Dunoon’s Senior Citizens were invited along to a beautiful decorated hall to be treated to afternoon tea and home made baking whilst listening to the selection of songs sung by Dunoon Primary School Choir. The Choir presented a medley of songs to celebrate 60 Glorious Years for the Queens Diamond Jubilee. In the evening the PTA laid on tea, coffee and home baking to a packed hall of parents who equally enjoyed the wonderful evening. Continue reading Diamond jubilee event daffodil tea

Luing community sports 2012

Luing Primary School hosted their annual community sports event on the playfields of Luing for all ages. The staff and parent council organised the games for all ages, BBQ and raffle. The islanders turned out to join in the event, supporting the children from the Primary school.
Competitors of all ages competed in all events. The wet net obstacle course was popular with all ages and was followed by the whole island tug-of-war – Cullipool verses the rest of the world. Cullipool reclaimed the title as winners of the 2012 event. The rest of the world is in training for next year! Continue reading Luing community sports 2012

P7 pupils visit Dunoon Grammar

Over 140 pupils from the 11 Cowal Primary schools recently added the On the Move 2012 transition project at Dunoon Grammar School. This 5 day long visit involved pupils
* discovering who would be their new classmates and helping one another to discover the way round their new school (with the help of S6 peer mentors)
* following their S1year timetable and meeting their teachers
* completing a variety of lessons based around the transition to secondary school and in particular to Dunoon Grammar
* having the opportunity to try a number of the clubs and activities that will be open to S1 pupils. Continue reading P7 pupils visit Dunoon Grammar