Tag Archives: Tiree High

Depute First Minister John Swinney Visits Tiree High School

Pupils at Tiree Primary school were delighted to have a visit from the Depute First Minister John Swinney on 20th August.
Mr Swinney MSP was given a very warm welcome by the Tiree High School Pipe Band and Tiree Primary Gaelic Choir.
Mr Swinney MSP kindly took part in a ‘Depute First Minister Question Time’ and answered lots of our questions!
Our guides did a wonderful job showing Mr Swinney MSP around our school and did so with pride!

P1-3 Gaelic Katie Morag Day on the Isle of Tiree

Primary 1-3 Gaelic had a lovely Katie Morag afternoon to round off their Katie Morag theme last Thursday at Tiree Primary. Parents and family were invited (especially Grannies!) to watch and listen to the children display their work and we also had a very unexpected guest who just had time to squeeze in reading one our favourite Katie Morag stories! The children showed off their Katie Morag puppets and read some of their imaginary Katie Morag stories before leading their parents on a tour of their work. We hope Granny Mainland made her way to the Isle of Struay for her holidays!

Tiree High School Councillor Visit

The S2 class have been looking this term at how we make decisions in a democracy.  We have focused on local democracy and discussed our representatives and what they do for us.  We have also looked at the various things that are provided for us by our council and finished off with a role play task where we looked at the difficult decisions councils sometimes have to make, due to lack of funding.  The pupils took on the role of parents, staff members & local shopkeepers in ‘Avridge Council’ and prepared speeches, which they delivered to Avridge councils’ ‘Education Committee’ (Mr Campbell & Cllr Fred Hall!). Continue reading Tiree High School Councillor Visit

Tobermory and Tiree High Schools Visit Paris and Ypres

S3/4 students from Tobermory and Tiree High Schools bonded on a recent trip to Paris and Ypres. They spent the day at Euro Disney where Space Mountain was the most popular ride (with students!). All pupils and staff also managed the exhausting climb up the 264 steps of the spiral staircase to the top of the Arc de Triomphe where they had a more unusual view of the Eternal Flame as well as stunning views of the Champs Elysées and the Eiffel Tower. They completed the Paris leg of the trip with a visit to Notre Dame, the Musée d’Orsay and the Stade de France. Continue reading Tobermory and Tiree High Schools Visit Paris and Ypres