3XL – Community Project

Both XL Groups in 3rd year at Oban High School have recently worked together in planning and organising a Coffee Morning for the welcoming of our American visitors.  As this is the 20th year of the Oban/Laurinburg exchange they wanted to make it special.  The group worked together in ensuring that the Americans first impression of Oban High School was as warm and friendly as possible.

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Parklands School Olympic Challenge

The pupils of Parklands School were all recently set an Olympic Challenge. Pupils had to take part in a torch relay by either swimming, hill walking, cycling or walking. Pupils designed and made their own torches (complete with realistic looking flames!) and had to carry them throughout their challenge. All pupils successfully completed their events and were very proud to received specially commissioned medals at our annual award ceremony.

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Dalintober’s Mini-Olympics

Dalintober PS held a Mini-Olympics event on Wednesday 28thJune.   Primary 7 organised the event with the help of Mr Kupris from Active Schools.  All the pupils in the school were divided into one of five countries – Great Britain, Greece, China, Spain or Jamaica – and wore colours to represent each country.

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Dalintober Primary Allotment

On Wednesday 20th June Dalintober PS officially ‘opened’ their leased allotment from ACHA at New Parliament Place, Campbeltown.   It was a lovely afternoon with lots of visitors – family, teachers and wider community – being shown round the allotment by members of the school Eco Group.   The pupils in the Eco-Group worked on the allotment with help from Chris and Ryan from the Community Garden and with Mrs McSporran and Miss Brown.

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Oban Lorn and the Isles Spring Tag Festival 2012

More than 150 Primary School children from the Oban area attended the recent Spring Tag Rugby Festival hosted by Oban Lorne RFC. The event which was organised by Scottish Rugby Modern Apprentices Emma Roxburgh and Fergus Matheson was delivered as an end of season friendly tournament for all the primary schools who have taken part in the Tag Rugby Programme this school year. The event was run in Partnership with Active Schools co-ordinator Dale Kupris and Rugby Development Officer Allan Wright who assisted with the organisation of the event.

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The SAL administrators would like to say a huge thanks to all the teachers and pupils who have contributed to SAL in its first few months. We are delighted at the variety of posts and hope you have enjoyed them so far. The interest in the site has exceeded our expectations and we can’t wait till next term to see what everyone wants to share. Have a great break!
The SAL team.

Strachur Primary does ‘The Good Old Days’

As part of our ongoing centenary celebrations, we produced a show called ‘The Good Old Days’ .  Children sang old time music hall songs, baffled the audience with magic tricks, entertained with various circus acts and showed off their gymnastic skills, all ably compered by two enterprising P6 girls.

Look out Ant and Dec!

To look the part the children dressed in their 1912 outfits and parents and carers were delighted to see so many confident, enthusiastic performers!

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Mid Argyll Children Celebrate World Sports Day

A huge gathering of 400 children came together on Monday 25th June at Lochgilphead Joint Campus to celebrate World Sports Day.  Aged between 5 and 12 years, the children took part in a raft of sports, all skilfully organised by Jillian Gibson, Mid Argyll’s awesome Active Schools Coordinator.  The children, ably assisted by sports instructors, teachers, S4-6 students, classroom assistants and parent helpers, took part in shinty, rugby, football, handball, hockey, games and the annual inter-school relay races.

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Dunbeg Primary – Seafari Adventure

On Friday 22nd June P5-7 pupils from Dunbeg Primary travelled to Easdale to go on a Seafari Adventure. First of all everyone got kitted up in waterproofs and lifejackets. After safety instructions we hopped onto the boats.

We were about to witness a world of wildlife … red deer galloping up hills, oyster catchers diving for food, huge salmon leaping out of the water and so much more!

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Social Enterprise Award for Kilmodan Primary

It was an early start for pupils, parents and staff of Kilmodan Primary as they made their way to Edinburgh on Tuesday 19th June.  Mrs Hawkins and the P6 children were heading to The Hub to meet Mr John Swinney MSP who awarded them with the Social Enterprise in Schools Award.  The award is in recognition of our very successful tearoom venture which we have been running monthly in the school.  Only last week we attended The Scottish Education Awards at the Glasgow Hilton as finalists in the ‘Enterprise and Employability across Learning’ category, also for our successful tearoom. 

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Our Primary 1 class visited Ballagan Garden Centre and Birds of Prey Centre last week. Everybody had a fantastic time. The pupils were shown how to plant-up and each child was given a pot plant to bring home. They then went on to visit the Birds of Prey Centre where they met owls and falcons. What a great day!

We would like to thank Thomas Callaghan and his team at the Garden Centre and Stewart and his team at the Birds of Prey Centre for making our day so special.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

A group of 40 Tobermory High School pupils, ranging from P4 – S6, recently took to the stage to deliver their annual school show. The cast delivered two polished performances in the Aros Hall, Tobermory, in front of two packed houses. The production was directed by Social Subjects teacher, Ryan Lowe, ably supported by many members of staff and the wider community. The cast will be singing a selection of songs at the school’s annual Celebration of Achievement, which marks the end of term. Bravo to all involved!
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