Strictly Rockfield!

Primary 6 and Primary 7 have been learning a whole range of Scottish ceilidh dances this term. The culmination of this work was twofold, a wonderful ceilidh last night and then this morning a whole school Strictly dancing competition, complete with judges! Both events were wonderful!

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Christmas is Forever!

A huge well done to all the pupils at Salen primary who performed their James Bond themed Christmas play, “Christmas is Forever” to a packed school hall. After several weeks of rehearsals the children sang, danced and acted their socks off in both our matinee and evening performances. The pupils were joined by the children in our Pre-school who performed “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and also our Sgoil-àraich with a lovely rendition of “Rinn Sinn Bodach Sneachd an-diugh”.

Christmas Fayre Success

Congratulations to Salen Primary for organising a fantastic festive fayre. The pupils worked tirelessly all afternoon to ensure the fayre ran smoothly. With handmade ornaments, cakes, teas and coffees, bric-a-brac and books for sale we managed to raise a whopping £800 on Friday 15th of December. Thank you to all who donated items for our bric-a-brac stall, baking and raffle items

Craft Fayre

A very successful Craft Fayre and Concert was held in Castlehill Primary School recently. All the classes made a huge variety of Christmas crafts to sell and the sum of £1450 was raised.  Parents, family and friends came to buy the crafts and enjoyed a coffee while listening to the children perform a variety of musical items.
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Clachan Primary Christmas Show

On the evening of Tuesday the 19th of December, the pupils of Clachan Primary performed their musical Christmas show; ‘The Stars Are Coming Out At Christmas’

The school was packed with friends and family who had gathered for a night of entertainment, followed by tea, mince pies and Christmas cake.
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‘Festive Fun at Strath of Appin Primary’

A packed village hall last Thursday evening enjoyed a wonderful performance of ‘Cinders’ by Strath of Appin Primary School pupils and nursery children. In just over two weeks the pupils pulled out all the stops to learn their lines, song words and dance routines which got everyone in the Festival mood.

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Christmas Fair

A Wonderful festive Joint partnership with the communities and schools of Minard and Furnace on Saturday at the Christmas Fair. The weather outside was cold, cold, cold but the locals and pupils turned out amid the festive snow and ice to support the school. The Children and Staff put on an amazing range of Christmas Gifts along with local stall holders who regularly support the school and its enterprises. The pupils were enthusiastic fund raisers especially on the tombola and even Elsa turned up for the raffle!

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Southend Primary School Christmas Concert

Pupils at Southend Primary School hosted their annual Christmas Concert on Thursday 14th December. Children performed a number of acts including two French songs, ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ and ‘Jingle Bells’ on their Ocarinas, a well performed ‘Little Baby King’ Nativity, and more. The concert was supported by families, friends, and the local community and we would like to thank everyone who attended. Your support is greatly appreciated.
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P5 Puppet Company’

P5 pupils at Rhu Primary have spent this term reading and examining scripts. They have looked at the different features of play scripts and then used this knowledge to plan and write their own short puppet show scripts in co-operative learning groups. They chose the Rhu Primary ‘school bees’ as their morals behind their stories, such as ‘Be Hardworking’, ‘Be Honest’ and ‘Be Responsible’.
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Hope Kitchen visit to Taynuilt Primary

The P7/6 children at Taynuilt Primary have been learning about poverty and homelessness around the world. To round off the topic we invited Hope Kitchen to our class to learn about local poverty and find out what we could do to help.  Agnes and Beth gave us an extremely informative talk and a very useful question and answer session with group discussions followed.
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Senior Citizen’s Tea Party at Colgrain!

On Tuesday 5th December, senior pupils extended a welcome to their grandparents, wider family members and senior members of the Colgrain Community. Our Senior Citizen’s Tea Party is organised and run by the pupils themselves. Attendees were entertained by Pre-5 and Primary 1 pupils singing Gaelic and French Christmas songs and P7 pupils played the chime bars and sung too.

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Spòrs Gàidhlig

Tha tòrr spòrs air a bhith againn ann an Gàidhlig aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr. Diciadain 29 An t-Samhain, thàinig Alasdair Satchell dhan sgoil agus ionnsaich Clas 1-7 Gàidhlig mu eachdraidh Uilleam Ualas agus Raibeart Brus.  Ann an dà uair a shìde, chuala sinn mu bàs Rìgh Alastair III, Eideard Longshanks, Toom Tabard, Uilleam Ualas agus Raibeart Brus aig Blàr Allt a’ Bhonnaich.  Ach cha robh sinn dìreach ag èisteachd, bha sinn a’ glaodhaich sluagh-gairm agus a’cruthachadh dràma beag no dhà.  Chòrd e rinn gu mòr agus dh’ionnsaich sinn tòrr.

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Pencil Point – Cowal School Blog

Welcome to our exciting pupil led blog!

In November 2017 pupils from each of the 13 establishments in Cowal met together to discuss how we could share news about some of the brilliant things that are happening for pupils aged 3 to 18 across Cowal. The result is this new blog which is written entirely by pupils writing about their own schools. Many thanks to all of our pupil journalists and photographers. Well done to Macy Law from Toward Primary School, who won the competition to design the name and logo for our blog, now named “Pencil Point”. View this blog via the below link:

[Update 06/03/2018: The blog is now located at:]


Rhu Primary ‘Mission to Mars’ event

On Friday 24th November, P5 and P6 pupils from Rhu Primary were invited to Lomond School Games Hall to take part in a ‘Mission to Mars’ digital learning session. Pupils were split into groups and throughout the afternoon they worked through and completed 6 different digital tasks, all linked with the ‘Mission to Mars’ theme.

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Dalintober PS & ELC ‘Children in Need’ Fundraiser

Dalintober PS pupils, parents & staff raised a fantastic £465 with their annual ‘Children In Need’ Fundraiser.   We all wore our ‘Pyjamas for Pudsey’ and participated in lots of fun activities, such as a ‘Puffed Out for Pudsey’ obstacle course, cupcake selling and Danceathons.

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Recycle, Reuse and Reduce

    Recycle, Reuse and Reduce was very definitely the message that the children got from a great session delivered at Minard Primary school by Andra McShannon. Andra talked about pollution and the ways we can contribute to a greener planet. The emphasis was on the sea and coast and the Minard and Furnace Pupils made marine animals from the recyclable materials they had bought in from home.

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