Tag Archives: Salen Primary School

Christmas is Forever!

A huge well done to all the pupils at Salen primary who performed their James Bond themed Christmas play, “Christmas is Forever” to a packed school hall. After several weeks of rehearsals the children sang, danced and acted their socks off in both our matinee and evening performances. The pupils were joined by the children in our Pre-school who performed “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and also our Sgoil-àraich with a lovely rendition of “Rinn Sinn Bodach Sneachd an-diugh”.

Christmas Fayre Success

Congratulations to Salen Primary for organising a fantastic festive fayre. The pupils worked tirelessly all afternoon to ensure the fayre ran smoothly. With handmade ornaments, cakes, teas and coffees, bric-a-brac and books for sale we managed to raise a whopping £800 on Friday 15th of December. Thank you to all who donated items for our bric-a-brac stall, baking and raffle items