Monthly Archives: April 2020

Group 4 – Wed 1st April

Good Morning everyone.

Today I’m feeling

How are you feeling today?

We started a new month. What is the month today?

You’re right. It’s April.

What is the day today?

It’s April Fool’s Day. Wednesday.

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


Read your favourite book or choose a book from the website below.


Check the blog for ideas from Gerry. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today we are going to listen to a story about a monkey that wakes up in a grumpy mood. Grumpy monkey is a cute book about great friends and a lesson on emotions.

Are you feeling grumpy today?

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the Science section to find out what is your challenge for today.


In the story the other animals try to convince the monkey to do different things to feel better. Talk to an adult about things you can do to feel better when you are sad or angry.

Choose your 8 favourite activities from the list below. Select ones that make you feel good, that bring a smile to your face, or relaxes you.

  Deep breaths   Tell a joke
  Make a snack   Give a hug
  Pet an animal   Dance
  Count to 10   Share a toy
  Sing a song   Play outside
  Read a story   Exercise
  Play a game   Quiet time

Have a lovely day!


Group 5 – Circle Time 1st April 2020

Hello Everyone,

Today I am feeling like little Miss Giggles because today is the 1st of April. April fools day! I wonder what kinds of fooling around might happen in my house.

How are you feeling today?


The weather is forecast to be cloudy again today but, as it is April Fool’s Day, maybe it will be …

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs!

For PSD today, decide on what jobs you are going to do to be helpful. Perhaps you could help with the dishes today?

Then you could check out Gerry’s ideas for Movement or practise Rachel’s dance moves.

Literacy – Check out the latest posts from Laura in the Literacy and Language sections of the blog.

PE – Find out what Pedro is up to in the PE section.

The Story today, chosen by Alex and Tyler will be the Gruffalo. I will post a link just after break (10.30).

Learn the Sign of the Day from Lorna’s post.

For Art check out the latest ideas from Steve and David.

Enjoy your lunch. It would be great to find out what you’re having. I’m having ice cream …

Homer Simpson Simpsons GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

After lunch check out my posts for some Science ideas and look out for today’s Health and Wellbeing activities in my final post of the day.

Oh, by the way. One of the things I have just told you is an April Fool. Can you guess which one? Let me know if anyone manages to fool you today or if you manage to fool anyone else.

Have great days, Sarah

Gold Class – Wednesday 1st April

Hi Everyone, How are you today?

  1. Morning Activities:

    How will you help around the house today?

  2. Literacy: Get your listening ears working…can you guess these sounds?!
  3. PE:Check out what Pedro has in store for you, for today in the PE section.
  4. Sign of the Day: The signs for today are all about FRUIT
  5. Story: Have a look at the Stories section on the blog – Nicole has done a great ‘story massage’ guide – can you try these moves one on of your family members to tell a story?
  6. Art: Check out what David has planned for you in the ART section.
  7. Science: Continuing with your water topic …. can you make a walking rainbow?!

    HWB: Since the signs of the day are about fruit…how healthy are you being at home? Here’s a game with Bert and Ernie all about making salad: Super Salad Diner