Monthly Archives: April 2020

Group 5 Circle Time Tuesday 21st April

Hello everyone,

Today I am feeling like Little Miss Sunshine because it is going to be another beautiful sunny day.

Who are you feeling like today? Remember to ask the people in your family how they are feeling too.

As it is so sunny you could do some water art outside. You just need a bowl of water and a sponge or brush and you can ‘paint’ with the water. On a sunny day like today it will dry very quickly and then you can paint something else. Perhaps you could time how long it takes to dry.

For Movement today why don’t you check out these stretches. You can do as many of them as you like.

For life-skills today could you do some outside jobs?  Like washing the car, weeding the garden or cleaning the windows?

At Dance time check out Rachel’s posts for some new moves.

For ICT have a look at the activities suggested by Steve and Kirsty or you could visit the BBC games site a choose a couple of games to play

After break it is time for a story. Today’s story will be posted at 10.30 and it is Hairy Maclary’s bone.

Meet Hairy Maclary and his friends as Hairy Maclary does his best to keep his bone away from his hungry friends.

After the story, visit the Sign of the day page for some more signs with Lorna.

For fiddly fingers today could you do some threading? Let me know what you found to thread and I will post some pictures of my attempts!

This afternoon check out Scot’s posts for Gardening / CDT and for Health and Wellbeing why don’t you do a cake design for the Pinewood Cake competition. Make a design for a cake anyway you like and then send me a photo.

Whatever you do, have a great day. Sarah



Tuesday 21.04.2020 Gold Class

Hi Gold Class Boys and Girls! Here are today’s activities:

  1. Morning Activities:
  2. ICT
  3. Dance: Check out the DANCE section to see what Rachel has planned for you
  4. BREAK
  5. Story: Listen to the story called Rabbit’s Nap. Can you answer the questions underneath?

  6. Signs of the Day: Today the signs are all about ‘Under the Sea’
  7. Fiddly Fingers:  
  8. LUNCH
  9. Gardening:
  10. HWB: Time for some mindfulness – choose an activity to do from this flip book:

Social Studies

     Social Studies

Hello everyone.  Hope you all had some time to relax over the holidays!

Remember Earth Hour on the 28th March? Well, this week Earth Day is celebrated around the world on Wednesday 22nd April!

The theme this year is “Climate Action” – this was in the news a lot last year mainly thanks to a teenager called Greta Thunberg from Sweden.

Here are some ideas to help you celebrate Earth Day at home:

  • Make an acrostic poem using the words – EARTH DAY.


You can try to come up with some other words which begin with these letters or make up some different sentences.

  • Create your own Earth collage using old magazines or tissue paper.
  • Draw and colour in Earth yourself.
  • You can add the handprints if you like to symbolise that we are looking after the Earth.

Use a paper plate for the circle shape or borrow a plate from your kitchen.


Enter the Pinewood School Cake Competition with a design based around Earth Day!!

(I might just have to give it a go myself now!)                     

Good Luck


Your top 10 songs countdown

Music task for this week.
Create a playlist of 10 songs which make you feel good, relaxed or happy.
Step 1
Using you tube , iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music (or similar) and listen to relaxed or happy music.
Step 2
Take a note of the 10 songs you like the most.
Step 3
Create a poster with your countdown chart, 1 at the top of the page (your favourite song) down to 10 at the bottom.
You may wither draw this or create a Word document.
Step 5
For your chosen top 5 songs try and give a reason why they are your top 5 songs.
Step 6
Make your poster look bright and interesting by using colour and pictures where you can.
Post your completed poster on the blog for Gordon and I to see.

Have fun!

Group 5 Story Time Monday 20th April

Hi Everyone,

Today’s story is Twinkles. Arthur and Puss. I hope you enjoy it.


Tomorrow’s story choice is

Find out what happens when What a Mess thinks he has discovered a monster.


Meet Hairy Maclary and his friends as Hairy Maclary does his best to keep his bone away from his hungry friends.

Reply to this post to let me know which story you would like to see.