Good Morning, Gold Class! How are you?
- Morning Activities:
- Maths: Today’s focus is all about PATTERNS. 1. Watch this video about patterns 2. Ask an adult to start a pattern (with objects or colours or written down shapes/numbers/dots) Can you finish it? Can you make your own patterns? Take a photo of your patterns.
- Fiddly Fingers: Get your fingers moving in different ways:
- Sign of the Day: Check out the sign of the day category for signs all about VEGETABLES
- Story: We all know this story well and since we’ve got our West Lothian Bear Hunt set up – here’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
- Music: Check out what Connie and Gordon have planned for you today in the MUSIC section
- Sensory: Choose one or two cards from this booklet and find out how you can use your senses:
- Dance: Have a look at what Rachel has put up in the DANCE section for you – have you been learning her routine?!