P2/1 – Tuesday 26th May

Hello boys and girls

I hope that you are all well.  I know that lots of you enjoyed last week’s robot stories so I thought that you might like this robot story that was on Newsround last week – it’s all about a robot sheepdog. Click on the link below to find out more.


I hope that you are enjoying learning about minibeasts. Now that the weather is getting better, there are certainly plenty of them in my garden but today’s story is about one of my least favourites – spiders! I’m not afraid of them  –  I just don’t like them in the house. What do you think?

Here is today’s Story Time From Home link.


Thank you again for all your messages and photos – you are all certainly keeping busy and doing lots of great things with your grown ups.

Miss McDermott

PS – I have added some new activities to Heinemann Active Maths and it seems to be ok this week!


Good afternoon Primary 1, Monday 25th May

Good afternoon Primary one, I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Did any of you go out for a walk? It was so windy wasn’t it. I’m glad to see the sunshine back today.

As part of  this weeks planner it talks about feelings and emotions. Here is a little Cosmic Kids Zen Den to help you think about what emotions are and how they make us feel.


Here is a little song you could sing too.


What makes you feel happy or sad? Can you make up your own feelings song? Or maybe you could make some puppets or emotion stones. You could tell a story with your stones or make up a game.

Can you guess the emotions on my stones?

Today I am feeling very happy and excited because my little boy Mason turned 3! It has been very loud in my house with the excitement. We are all looking forward to a piece of cake later. I had fun making this Paw Patrol for him.


I hope you have a lovely afternoon and manage to get out and enjoy some of the sunshine. Even with that wind the sun is hot so remember sun cream.

Please keep in touch, we love hearing from you all.

Your Primary one teachers

Good Morning

Hi Everyone, I hope you are having a lovely time at home with your parents and are managing to get out lots to stay active. I saw a few activities you might like to make using junk in your house. In this activity, you can use a milk carton to make your very own penguin or Dinosaur. You, of course, can use any other recycled items and don’t have to follow this. The ladies would love to see your wonderful creations. Stay safe and hope to see you all very soon. Mrs Fyfe x

P2A Monday, 25.5.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outside even though it was very windy!

This week’s digraph is   ue   and here is Geraldine the Giraffe to help you learn this.

Try to have a look at two of our other blog posts for Primary 2 children  –  one about Minibeasts and one about this week’s maths, symmetry.  They will have links to support your learning.

I’m sure none of you are like this Mr Man character – Mr Messy!

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Mrs Herbison

Symmetry for P2/1/ P2A and P2B 25.05.20

Good morning, everyone!




Primary 2  and P2/1 children will be learning about symmetry this week.

Here are some video clips and games to get you started.




Below are some links to resources which will help support your learning.  Please use these to help you this week.

Symmetry Powerpoint

2S Shapes for Symmetry

Flag Symmetry Worksheets

Paint a Symmetrical Butterfly

You could look at some other minibeasts to see if they are symmetrical and paint or create these, too.

Have fun learning about symmetry this week!

P2/1, P2A and P2B Teachers



Never Tickle a Tiger

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘Never Tickle a Tiger’.

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week.

Never Tickle a Tiger Reading Comprehension

  1. How does Izzy paint?
  2. Why was Grandma angry with Izzy?
  3. Which class were on a school trip?
  4. When did Izzy skip past the Aviary?
  5. What did the sloth do to the penguin?
  6. What do you think will happen if she prods the polar bear?

Wonderful Writer Izzy is constantly being told off. Have you ever been in trouble? Write a story real or imaginary about getting into trouble.

Grammar Make a list of 5 nouns, 5 verbs and 5 adjectives in the book.

Book Review Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Dynamic Designer Design a new Tiger enclosure, draw it and label its features.

Word Wizard Find out the dictionary definition of the following words and write them in your own sentence: shuffling, fidgeting, shimmied, walloped, snapped

Artistic Ace Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master Design your own Don’t Tickle the Tiger quiz or a quiz about Tigers.

Rocking Researcher In the book Izzy tickles a tiger. Find out about Tigers draw and write a few facts about them. You could even try making a short video about Tigers.I have provided a fact sheet that could help you.

Check out the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo. Is the tiger out? You can also look for the Pandas, Penguins and Lions.


Here are some files will help you complete your tasks.

Never Tickle A Tiger

Book Review

Never Tickle a Tiger Comprehension



P3A Monday 25th May

Good Morning 3A!

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and managed some fun activities despite the horrible weather.  I built a den in the living room with my children!  We moved around the furniture and used a coat stand and blankets to make a big tent.  It was great fun.

I wanted to give a huge congratulations to everyone who joined in with the WL Sumdog challenge.  Also there were 2 children in 3A who finished in the top 50 places.  What an amazing achievement 🙂

As always, you’ll find new games and challenges have been set for you on Heinemann Active and Sumdog.  I hope you are able to give these a go.  The P3 Week 8 grid and resources are ready on LPS website too.

Another pupil recommendation for Oxford Owl has been emailed to me. You might like Project X Big Game Adventure or The Hunt for Nok.

If you are able to email again this week that would be great.  If you can send a photo too, even better.  You work might be featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success.

Mrs Bell

P3b Monday 25th May

Good morning,

First a highlight from my past week: One of my sisters had her 40th this past weekend and she had a surprise zoom meet with friends and family, people from all across the world joined. Here are some of the questions. Do you know any of the answers? Can you find out the answers?

A few Quiz Questions

Remember, I would love to hear about your highlights too.

Please, check out the school website for the P3 resources for home learning this week.


This week my story is ‘Never Tickle a Tiger’, which I will post about separately. Here are this week spellings.







During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

P2/1, P2A and P2B MINIBEASTS 25.5.20

Good Morning, everyone.

This week we are learning about Butterflies.

We have attached a Butterfly  Powerpoint for you to look at.

butterflies powerpoint

This youtube video will help you to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Here is another clip which might help you choose some butterfly facts for your Fact File.

Can you draw or make a life cycle of a butterfly?  Here is one example. I am sure you will have your own creative ideas. We would love to see them.

In Maths this week we are learning about symmetry. The Maths blog has information on how to create a symmetrical butterfly. You could colour or paint a butterfly, you could draw round your hands or use painted hand prints or even find some things outdoors to make a butterfly picture. Here are some ideas to help.

One of our P.2 pupils shared this activity on how to create your own Superbug.  We thought some of you might like to try it too.


Enjoy your learning and share it with us if you can.

Primary 2/1 and Primary 2 Teachers

P2B MONDAY, 25.5.20

Good Morning, everyone!




I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Yesterday I had a lovely walk round the loch and saw a swan with 6 little cygnets. I wonder if any of you have seen them if you have been down by the loch?


Here is our learning grid for this week.

Learning Grid week 8

This week we are learning the sound ue. This short clip will let you practise reading some words with that sound.

Here is a Words and Pictures programme which helps you practise the oo and ue sounds.

Remember to have a look at our Maths and Minibeasts blogs today to find more resources and ideas to help you with your learning this week.

Do what works for you and remember Mrs Boyle and I always love to hear how you are getting on and to see some of your great work.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Mills


Good morning P1! Monday 25th May 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I spent some time drawing a picture to send to my Granny as it was her 89th birthday! I used oil pastels and drew some of the lovely Spring blossom that we have been seeing recently.

Here is our Learning Grid for this week – Home Learning Grid 25.5.20

We will continue our FairyTale theme this week with the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ so I have recorded the story for you and Miss McDermott has kindly popped the link in the blog post a couple above this one as I was having some technical issues! Thanks Miss McDermott – you are a star 😀

Here are some resources to help you with our learning focuses this week:


Teddy Bear Position PowerPoint

Treasure Map Directions Game Activity

Directions Game

Writing – inventing a character:

Gingerbread Man Character Writing Template (if you do not have access to a printer, please don’t worry – use this sheet to give you an idea of what to draw/write on paper or in a jotter!)

Reading – phonics /wh/ and /th/:

/th/ Sorting Sounds PowerPoint with /ch/ and /sh/ revision

Spot the /th/ sound in this story!

/wh/ Words Quick Read PowerPoint


Phonics challenge: can you add /th/ to complete each of the words on the petals? Try reading them with an adult – you will need help with the ones you can’t sound out.


Remember that there is no pressure to do everything on the learning grid or blog – do what you can and remember to spend lots of time playing too!

We would love it if you could keep in touch each week with your teacher – just a quick email to say hello and that you are doing okay, or to let us know if you would like support with anything, or to show us some lovely pics of what you are getting up to at home. We really love to hear from you and just want to make sure everyone is safe, happy and supported. You are all amazing!

Have a fabulous week everyone,

We really miss you all,

Your P1 Teachers



P2/1 – Monday 25th May

Hello everyone,


Hope you had a good weekend even though the weather was rather wet and windy. You’ll not be surprised to find out that Jim and Matthew had to take the tent down on Friday when I was at the hub school  – it just about blew away like a giant balloon! I think the forecast for the week ahead is looking much better however so maybe we will be able to put it back up again. Sometimes we go and sit there and have lunch for a wee change rather than stay in the house. Jim and Matthew are doing their jobs from home too so we are all in the house together all day – so just like you and your families, we know it’s not easy.

Here is the link for today’s Story Time from Home which was safely filmed inside! This week’s stories are all about minibeasts.


As it’s the start of a new week there are extra blog pages today with the minibeast and maths resources. As I said last week, please remember that these activities are for all week – not just today! Please just do what you can when you can.

There were some problems with Heinemann Active Maths last week but hopefully these will now be resolved.  I will update the activities.  Sumdog appears to be working fine and the more popular of the two from the feedback I have received from parents.

Please continue to stay in touch and let me know how you are getting on and if you haven’t been in touch recently, please do send me a message soon – it would be lovely to hear from you.

Have a good day with hopefully some nicer weather!

Miss McDermott