Story Time From Home – Friday 15th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to Friday’s Story Time From Home.

As well as a bear, it includes some pesky rabbits too.  I hope none of you are being pesky! Mind you, it is nearly the weekend so you can have some time off from home learning and hopefully do something nice with your families.

Best wishes and thank you again for watching all the videos and sending me your kind messages.

Miss McDermott

Good afternoon P1! Thursday 14th May 2020

Good afternoon everyone!

I was hoping that perhaps this afternoon or when you have time, you might join me in taking a little bit of time to stop and think about some of the little things that have made you smile recently. 

Here are three of mine:

  1. I went for a nice walk close to my flat beside the river and it was SO beautiful. I feel very lucky to live near to lots of lovely nature. Do you have some nice places near your home to go for a walk?

2. I came through to my living room earlier today and found this little monkey lying down with all his toys and it definitely made me smile!

3. I found a delicious new recipe for banana blondie bars and tried it out at the weekend. They were a tasty treat!

I wonder what sort of things have made you smile this week? Perhaps you could share some in the comments or have a think about them with your family. It is important to take time now and again to think about all the good things in our lives!

Take care and have a lovely afternoon,

We miss you all so much P1, you are doing such an amazing job staying safe at home and doing all your learning and playing. We think you are all truly fantastic!

Your P1 Teachers


3a 14.5.20 Good Morning

Good morning everybody.

I love reading and on a quiet day, during lockdown, I admit I can read a book from start to finish. I hope you enjoy the books you can find on Oxford Owl. Email and let me know what books you’re reading and why you’ve enjoyed them.

Today’s favourite poem to share is Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah. I’ve made it easy today.

Click to access talking_turkeys_zephaniah.pdf

Just for fun – Which dog do you think is faster?

Ms Occardi

Good Morning Primary 1, Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning primary one. I hope you have been having a good week so far.  I have really enjoyed seeing all the different pieces of work you have been sending us. I am very impressed.


Today we are going to look at writing a recipe. A recipe is a form of instructional writing, that means that the writing in it is going to help someone to do or make something.

I have done my example recipe on porridge, because just like Goldilocks and the bears, I love porridge. You can choose to write about making porridge too or choose a different recipe.



You can use the template provided or you can create your own.

For your ingredients you can put the weights beside. Practice your weighing skills at the same time.

Cartoon Chef Reading Recipe Book For Cooking Royalty Free Cliparts ...


Here is a little go noodle workout you can try to get your body moving and stretching.


Here is another activity you could do. I know lots of you love to draw. Here are two step by step drawing videos to draw a bear.

Cartoon Bear Png - Teddy Bear Clipart Png, Transparent Png - kindpng


If you have any questions send us a little email or comment on here.

Please keep in touch.

Stay safe and have a lovely day.

Your P1 teachers Animated Cute Rainbow Clipart




Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 14th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B                                                            ,

I hope you are all well. I have enjoyed looking at all your lovely work. Keep sending it to myself or Mrs Mills so we can share in your learning.

Today we are continuing to work on 2D shapes and homes around the world. I have also been thinking about how we might be feeling just now. We might be feeling a bit worried about lots of things. Worry is a totally normal part of life. Worry can even keep us safe but worrying too much can stop us from doing things.

I found a good story about a little girl called Ruby who has a lot of worries.  Listen to the story then you can have a chat to someone in your family about any worries you may have. It helps to talk.


If we are worried we can talk to someone, find time to do some yoga and singing songs help.

I have found a Pokeman yoga you might like to join in with. Listen for the secret code word.

When I am worried I listen to music and sing along this always makes me happy and I forget about my worries .Try singing along to this I am sure it will make your family happy too.


I hope you have a fun day.

Mrs Boyle

P3B Thursday 14th May

Morning everyone!

I have really enjoyed seeing all the work you have been doing this week! Someone in our class has made a quiz about ‘One button Benny’ why don’t you have a go… 

This week in maths you were looking at data handling. Have a go at this game to practise reading tally marks.

Here is todays riddle, have a go!

Have a great day!

Miss Ross


P2A Thursday, 14.05.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well and ready for something that I have been missing  –  Mr Men and Little Miss stories!

Here is one of my favourite Mr Men stories.  I hope you enjoy it, too.  You could tell someone in your family all about your favourite part.

Have a good day and remember to be kind to yourselves and just do what fits in with your family.

Take care

Mrs Herbison