P2/1 – Thursday 14th May

Hello boys and girls

Oh dearie me! After being so glad to find out our quiz link worked it seems like yesterday the Story Time from Home link and rainbow video didn’t!  Well the annoying thing was it worked for some people and it seemed fine to me whenever I checked it.  Aren’t computers strange things?

Hopefully today will be better but if not please let me know, grown ups! This should be the Story Time link  below.


Thank you for all the messages and photographs yesterday – I had a lovely time looking at them all. I have now added the shape activities to Heinemann Active Maths for you to try.  In school, the teachers call this resource HAM because it is too long to write and say Heinemann Active Maths all the time.  When you shorten words like this it is called an acronym and we use lots of them in school.  One you will probably know is ORT for Oxford Reading Tree.  I thought I would mention HAM though because the grown ups might see it written down on learning grids and plans and get very confused!

  or ?

Have a good day and just keep doing what you can.

Miss McDermott



Story Time From Home – Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Story Time from Home page although it seems like yesterday some of you were left rather disappointed when the links didn’t work.

I am very sorry about this.  I do check them and they both worked fine for me and they did work for some other people it seems. I am able to tell how many people watch each video and I just thought maybe you were all having the day off yesterday!

Here is the link for today’s story which is quite a short one and finger’s crossed will work.  Grown ups – please let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll see what, if anything, I can do.


Miss McDermott

Good Afternoon Primary 1!

Good afternoon Primary 1!

I am sure that you have all been working hard this week and it has been so nice to hear from so many families. Please continue to keep in touch.

Our sounds for this week are oo and ee. To support this I have put links to alphablocks.  They will help you to blend the letters together into words- which can be quite tricky.



I wonder if you can go on a sound hunt and look for things around your house that have oo and ee in them?

Listening to stories is something that we do everyday in class and as I can’t be there to read you one I have added a story below. There is also some fun activities to do alongside it. The story is of the Ugly Duckling. It is another Fairy Tale, just like Goldilocks. Have a think throughout the story about how the Ugly Duckling would feel, it may change as the book goes on.


Enjoy the rest of your afternoon and stay safe!


Good Morning

Hello boys and girls. I’ve added a link to a time capsule workbook that I thought might be a fun way to record whats going on in these strange times. You will probably need a grown up to help you and maybe some of your siblings might enjoy this activity too. If you don’t have access to a printer, perhaps you could make up your own version of the time capsule! Have a great day! Miss Matthews x


3a Wed 13.5.20 Good Morning

Good morning everybody.

Thank you again for all of the emails, photos and examples of work you have sent to myself and Mrs Bell. Until  we’re back in school,  it is really important that we keep in touch and your teachers want to do all they can to support you with your online home learning grids.

Our favourite poem to share today is “Bruce’s Address Before Bannockburn” I’m not even going to tell you who wrote it, but I don’t  think you’ll have any problem finding it on the internet. Sometimes, especially when it’s performed as a song, it entitled ” Scots Wha Hae”

Just for fun – I think Katie Morag is feeling a bit fed up…

PS – Another of my squinty photos. I’m just not getting any better at this. You know the drill – just turn your laptop around until it’s the right way around.

Ms Occardi

Wednesday 13th May P3B

Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a great start to the week.

I’m not sure if anyone noticed but I have allocated you a book on Active Learn, its about the 5 oceans. I thought it might be useful to help you with your research. Here is a song that can help you learn the different oceans.

Has anyone been learning the words for pets in French? Can you guess what animals I have and how many?  I have un chien et deux poisons.

Here is a morning challenge to get everyone awake and ready for the day.

Remember you can send Mr Brice and myself all your hard work! Have a great day.

Miss Ross

Good Morning Primary 2B Wednesday 13th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,


I hope you are all well, I can see from your emails that you are all working really hard. This weekend was an exciting weekend for my husband as he ordered hair clippers so I could give him a haircut.  It was very funny and scary cutting his hair. He kept stopping me to check his hair. I did manage to cut it although I think he can’t wait for the barbers to open so he can get his hair cut properly.

This made me think about jobs that your might like to do when you grow up. What would you like to be? A vet, a nurse, a train driver, a scientist, a firefighter or work in an office. When I was little I wanted to be a nurse.  Mabye you can draw me a picture of what you would like to be when you grow up.

I found this story about growing up that I thought might give you some ideas.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp0h_1ZI_UM

This week we are learning about 2D shapes. Have you been on a 2D shape hunt yet? How many shapes did you find?

Have a lovely day I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Boyle



P2A Wednesday, 13.05.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.  It has been so nice to hear updates from you about how you are getting on.  It just reminds me of how imaginative and creative you all are.  Thank you for sharing with me.

Today is National Numeracy Day 

Here are some fun activities you may want to choose to do.



You could also have a go at playing Hit the Button on Topmarks!  This is a fun game where you can challenge yourself.


This week’s learning grid asks you to research houses and homes in different parts of the world and then draw and label a house of your choice from a different country.

Here is a link to a PowerPoint which may give you some ideas.  Remember, these are suggested activities and you just do what fits in with your family.  There is no pressure to do everything!

Houses Around the World

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison


2D Shape P2/1, P2a & P2B

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are having fun learning about 2D shapes.

I have received some super photos of some of you finding lots of shapes in and around your house.  Keep up this super work.

Here is another fun 2D shape learning video for you to watch!

Have fun learning!

Primary 2/1,  2A and 2B Teachers

Good morning P1! Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning everybody!

OXFORD OWLS LOG IN: Just a quick apology and to say that the password for Oxford Owls for P1a and b is My books not My Books, if you have any problems getting logged in, let us know 😀 

I hope you are having a nice week. I have been enjoying learning some Swedish on an app called duolingo – do you know where Sweden is? My brother lives there with his wife and their little baby boy, Rory. I have been very impressed with some of the pictograms you have been sending me this week – do you remember when we made a giant pictogram in our classroom with all the colourful chairs? I enjoyed that a lot!

In our learning grid this week, we encouraged you to have a think about nice, healthy breakfast choices. Here is a short video about some of the ways that you can keep healthy. You can talk about the different bits with an adult and maybe try and find out more about the bits that interest you.

There is a little challenge at the end for anyone who would like to do it, but remember these are all just suggestions, just do what you can, there’s no pressure to do everything!

We love hearing about what you are getting up to each week – we would really appreciate hearing from you each week; you can share what you have been getting up to with us, or just say a quick hello to let us know you are safe and happy, or let us know if we can support you in any way. We really love feeling connected to our classes – we miss you all so much!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers