P2/1 – Monday 25th May

Hello everyone,


Hope you had a good weekend even though the weather was rather wet and windy. You’ll not be surprised to find out that Jim and Matthew had to take the tent down on Friday when I was at the hub school  – it just about blew away like a giant balloon! I think the forecast for the week ahead is looking much better however so maybe we will be able to put it back up again. Sometimes we go and sit there and have lunch for a wee change rather than stay in the house. Jim and Matthew are doing their jobs from home too so we are all in the house together all day – so just like you and your families, we know it’s not easy.

Here is the link for today’s Story Time from Home which was safely filmed inside! This week’s stories are all about minibeasts.


As it’s the start of a new week there are extra blog pages today with the minibeast and maths resources. As I said last week, please remember that these activities are for all week – not just today! Please just do what you can when you can.

There were some problems with Heinemann Active Maths last week but hopefully these will now be resolved.  I will update the activities.  Sumdog appears to be working fine and the more popular of the two from the feedback I have received from parents.

Please continue to stay in touch and let me know how you are getting on and if you haven’t been in touch recently, please do send me a message soon – it would be lovely to hear from you.

Have a good day with hopefully some nicer weather!

Miss McDermott